When there is something that we desperately want to have in our life, in other words, we want to manifest something in our life, when we are too attached to the outcome – the opposite shows up. Take for example we want to manifest more money in our life – if we’re too attached, our lived experience can actually be that we’re manifesting more expenses. All of a sudden an expense that we hadn’t expected appears and we have to pay for it. So instead of manifesting more money, we’ve actually manifested more expenses. In this episode of The Genius Code™, I reveal what truly happens when we become too attached to something and how to let go.
Paul suggests that the key lies in detachment. By releasing our tight grip on the desired outcome, we allow the natural flow of life to take its course. This doesn’t mean we stop caring or striving; rather, we maintain our intentions without becoming obsessed. Detachment opens the door for opportunities and solutions to present themselves, often in unexpected ways.
He also discusses the importance of aligning our desires with our true selves. When our goals resonate with our authentic values and passions, the journey toward them becomes more effortless. We experience less internal conflict and more synchronicity. This alignment reduces the need for forceful attachment, as our actions naturally lead us towards our aspirations.
Thank you for listening.
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