What is a Choice Point? Well, a choice point is a moment in your life when you have a decision to make which will alter the course of your life journey. Some choice points are easy to make, while others are extremely difficult and challenging to choose and take action on. Now choice points are not your everyday decisions that people make. Like what meal will you have, whether you should attend a particular meeting or not. Or what you might price your product or service at. They’re not choice points – they’re just everyday decisions to make.
Choice Points will alter your course in life. The route you will travel along to fulfill your purpose and mission in life. But how will you know if you’re at a Choice Point? Well, on this episode of The Genius Code™ podcast, I share with you how you will know if you’re at a choice point, what it really means to you and your life. And what to do so as to determine the best action for your success.
In life, we often encounter moments that demand significant decisions, steering us toward new directions. These are not mundane choices like selecting a meal or attending a meeting; they are pivotal moments that can reshape our life’s path. Recognizing these “Choice Points” is crucial for personal growth and aligning with our true purpose.
Paul Davis of Davis Business Consultants emphasizes that as we transition from a state of belief to a state of knowing, we experience various signs. These signs, which he refers to as “feathers,” “bricks,” and “trucks,” serve as nudges from our unconscious mind. Initially, subtle hints or “feathers” suggest a need for change. If ignored, more noticeable disruptions or “bricks” occur. Continued disregard can lead to significant life upheavals, termed “trucks,” forcing us to confront necessary changes.
Imagine standing with one foot on a stable dock (representing your comfort zone) and the other on a boat (symbolizing the unknown future). As the boat drifts away, maintaining both positions becomes untenable. Compelling you to choose: stay in familiar territory or venture into new experiences. This analogy illustrates the discomfort and necessity of making pivotal decisions during Choice Points in life.
Recognizing a Choice Point involves paying attention to recurring patterns or challenges in life. Feelings of restlessness, repeated obstacles, or a sense of being at a crossroads often indicate that a significant decision is imminent. Embracing these moments, rather than resisting them, allows for personal evolution and alignment with one’s true purpose.
Thank you for listening.
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