Unlock Your Potential with One-to-One Business Mentoring

Why Entrepreneurs Seek Paul For Business Mentoring

Get Certainty, Direction, Clarity and Focus

Stay on Course and Have Accountability

Strategise on the Business, Not just Operate within it

Realise Business Goals and Objectives

Grow the Business and Get to the Next Level

Find Purpose and Personal Fulfilment

Gain Personal Insights & Awareness of Blindspots

Have a Trusted Adviser, Mentor & Confidant 

Continuing Personal and Professional Development

Get More Clients, More Fees and More Time

Build Value in the Business to Exit

Benefits of Paul's Business Mentoring

Proven Strategies & Track Record

21+ years experience with a track record of helping hundreds of businesses achieve remarkable growth and success.

Expert & Intuitive Insights

Benefit from Paul’s deep knowledge for building successful businesses, human behaviour and personal mastery, along with receiving intuitive insights and guidance.

Holistic Approach

Paul addresses all professional, personal and spiritual aspects of life and business to achieve a sustained and truly holistic development.

Personalised Guidance

Receive tailored advice, insights and strategies that align with your unique business and innate genius.

Continuous Improvement

Paul wholeheartedly believes in the benefits of mentoring and continuously works with experts from around the world to develop his own knowledge and success to share with clients.

Comprehensive Support

From strategy to execution, Paul provides full-spectrum ongoing support to help you achieve your goals and objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions we receive about Paul’s business mentoring, along with detailed answers to help you understand how he can assist you in achieving your goals.

What is business mentoring?

Business mentoring provides guidance and advice from someone that is experienced to help you grow your business, overcome challenges, and achieve your objectives in a shorter timeframe than learning by yourself.

How can Paul's business mentoring benefit me?

Paul’s business mentoring provides personalised strategies, expert and intuitive insights, along with accountability to ensure you achieve your objectives sooner, stay focused, and remain on track to reach your business and personal goals.

What makes Paul Davis different?

Paul uses a powerful blend of business mentoring, business consulting and coaching with all clients. He takes an holistic approach consisting of business growth, personal development, and mindset transformation, and combines that with his deep spiritual wisdom and intuitive gifts to ensure a comprehensive and sustained continuous growth.

How often will we meet?

Mentoring sessions are typically scheduled for every fortnight for one hour each. This cadence has proven to achieve the best results for clients. Ongoing support is also provided via telephone, email or text between mentoring sessions.

What is the cost of mentoring with Paul?

While other mentors charge by the hour or session, this creates an imbalance for clients as their priority is to maximise billable time or more sessions. Paul’s commitment lies in providing genuine value and meaningful results, which is why he does not sell time or a fixed number of sessions.

How quickly will I see results?

Each client is unique – some receive immediate value and results, while others take a little longer. It just depends on where you are on your journey. Apart from the qualitative improvements that are experienced by clients in all aspects of their life, on average, clients have increased their fees by 274% and have received 10x financial return on their investment within the first twelve months of working with Paul.

Is now the right time to start with mentoring?

Yes. Waiting for the “right” time is a fallacy. Trying to figure things out for yourself using trial and error will only result in wasted time, money and energy. Let alone the emotional drain. Investing in yourself to achieve the results you want is something everyone should prioritise as number one.

How do I get started?

To get started, simply book a call to speak with Paul where you can discuss your goals and challenges, and develop a personalised plan to help you succeed.

Since we started working with Paul our turnover has increased every year, even in the midst of the worst recession. In our first year alone we got a seven-fold return on our investment with Paul.

Ken Garvey


We have increased our customer base by 25% and have hired two experienced Support Engineers. Paul has been instrumental in providing us with a wealth of knowledge to enable us to move our business to a higher level.

John Coffey

Managing Director

We grew the practice sales by €12,000 on average each month, even during a difficult time for any business to grow. The results speak volumes about Pauls’ ability and dedication to help grow our firm.

Jamie O'Hanlon

Managing Director

What's Included With Paul's Business Mentoring

Business Assessment

A comprehensive assessment of your business will be conducted to identify key focus areas for improvement, which will be facilitated online and thoroughly reviewed by Paul.

Strategy Session

On joining, you will have a focused half-day strategy session with Paul, during which you will create a tailored roadmap designed to help you reach both your personal and business goals.

Fortnightly Meetings

You will have a one-hour meeting with Paul every two weeks to discuss your advancement and receive guidance on implementing your strategy, ensuring you stay on the right track to achieving your goals and objectives.

Genius Unlocked

You will gain instant access to Paul’s transformative online program “Genius Unlocked” which will help you discover your innate genius and unique purpose.

More Clients, More Fees And More Time

Discover effective strategies to attract more clients, increase your fees, and reclaim your time by getting immediate access to Paul’s signature online program “How To Get More Clients, More Fees And More Time” and fast-track your results.

Resources Vault

You will gain access to an extensive collection of business tools, guides, resources, and templates designed to accelerate your progress.

Ongoing Support When You Need It Most

You will have direct access to Paul through email, text, or phone between your meetings, ensuring that any questions you have are answered promptly and that you never feel stuck.

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Paul Davis

Paul Davis is the founder and lead consultant at Davis Business Consultants. With over 21 years of experience in business growth, mindset transformation, human behaviour, purpose, personal development, and success coaching, Paul has helped countless entrepreneurs and business owners achieve outstanding results.

Often referred to as a “game-changer” and sometimes a “life-saver” by clients, Paul is a sought-after business mentor by clients both nationally and internationally.

Using a combination of his deep knowledge, commercially focused expertise and highly-intuitive insights, Paul takes an holistic approach to the business, personal and spiritual aspects of clients using a blended approach of business mentoring, consulting and coaching to achieve rapid and sustainable results.

He is also the creator of The Genius Code™ — a blueprint for personal mastery, a three-time best-selling author, an award-winning business growth consultant and professional speaker, and is dedicated to helping individuals discover their innate genius, achieve unparalleled fulfilment, and make a profound impact with their business.

“For Your Business Development & Personal Growth....”

Our Philosphy

Our philosophy is simple – to deliver real value to our clients. We provide a planned approach to all projects and keep the client informed at all stages ensuring they are fully briefed and in agreement with next planned steps, making sure there are no surprises or hidden costs.

We approach all our projects as a partnership and endeavour to treat our clients as we ourselves would like to be treated by being open, honest and dealing with all matters in a fair way.

Ready to Transform Your Life & Business?

Don’t wait any longer to take your business to the next level. We’re here to provide you with the personalised guidance and support you need to achieve your business and personal goals. Whether you’re looking to enhance your business strategy, improve team performance, or unlock new growth opportunities, we’re focused on helping you succeed. Book a call with Paul today to learn more about how he can help you transform your business and reach new heights.