The Genius Code™ - Purpose, Mindset and Prosperity
The Snakes And Ladders Life
Have you ever found yourself in life feeling like you’re taking three steps forward and two steps back? And wondered what you need to do to get into the flow of life? Why is it that sometimes things seem to go well, while at other times, it’s like you’re facing multiple challenges? On this episode of The Executive Code podcast, using the analogy of the “Snakes And Ladders Life”, I outline the overarching structure of what happens in our life, and what the one thing is that we should be focused on so as to ease into that flow.
The Genius Code™ - Purpose, Mindset and Prosperity
Finding Your Passions
There’s one thing that I see quite often being talked about and that is where people say that if you follow your passion, then you’ll find what your purpose is. So people search to discover what they’re passionate about in the hope that it will give them what they’re seeking – only to discover that it doesn’t. And for many people, they can’t find what they’re truly passionate about. So what is it about passion that we need to find? Well on this episode of The Genius Code™ podcast, I explain why finding your passion is not the right thing to do when you’re looking to find out what your purpose in life is.
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The Genius Code™ - Purpose, Mindset and Prosperity
Your Genius Pendulum
There’s a natural balance or a natural resting state for an object where it is balanced between opposing forces. This state is called equilibrium. If you take a pendulum, while it is vertical and in rest, it is in a state of equilibrium. When a force is brought to bear on the pendulum – meaning it is moved to the right or to the left, the pendulum will now be in either a positive state or a negative state. And depending on how far you move the pendulum to one side, or in other words the arc that you create by moving the pendulum to one side, then the pendulum will swing back past the equilibrium point to the other side, and will form the same size arc on the other side. So how does this affect us in our lives? Well on this episode I explain how this plays out in our lives in multiple ways and also how the Universe gets us back into equilibrium.
The Genius Code™ - Purpose, Mindset and Prosperity
Understanding Cause And Effect
There’s a really tough lesson to learn in life – and that lesson is that you’re responsible for everything in your life. It’s the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. So what is this law and how are we responsible for everything in our life. Well on this episode of The Genius Code™ podcast, I explain what the Law of Cause and Effect is and how it operates in your life so that you can start to take back control and achieve your potential.
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The Genius Code™ - Purpose, Mindset and Prosperity
How To Be Successful
What does being successful mean to you? What is it that you’re striving for? What do you want to be, do and have when you’re successful? These are all great questions that are worth answering for yourself but many people don’t take the time to really discern what it is they want out of life. They strive for some facsimile of success only to realise that they had their ladder against the wrong wall all the time. Well on this episode of The Genius Code™ podcast, I share a different take on a well-known story that is told about the fisherman and the business consultant so as to help you answer these very important questions.
If you feel that you benefit from this podcast and would like to make a contribution towards the cost of its production it would be very much appreciated –
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