Are you following the Celebrity Rule?

Many business owners (if not all) want to increase their earnings or the level of sales they achieve. And that’s why you need to follow the celebrity rule.

And while most people go about it by focusing on getting more clients or increasing their prices, they’re actually unaware of an underlying rule – what I call the Celebrity Rule.

What’s the Celebrity Rule?

It’s the fact that the amount of money you will earn is in direct proportion to:

  • The demand for what you do
  • Your ability to do it
  • The difficulty of Replacing you

€ $ £ = Demand x Ability x Replaceability

Think of it this way…

As a celebrity (actor, singer, musician, athlete, artist…)

  • The demand from fans is high.
  • Their ability to do what they do is high.
  • They are nearly impossible to replace.

Hence the reason why they are able to command a high fee for their services.

Now think of your own business in this regard – what are you doing to become a Celebrity?

Starting with Demand – is there an ever-increasing demand for what it is you do or plan to develop to do? What particular niche can you develop where there is high demand?

Next your Ability – how can you improve your ability to do what you say you can do? What systems can you build so as to reach more and more people?

And finally, your Replaceability – how can you make your business offering such a way that it is extremely difficult to copy what it is you do? How can you make yourself and your business more and more unique?

So, are you making your business a Celebrity Business?

“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” ~ Coco Chanel

Your true purpose is unique to you – no person has the same – are you aligning your business to your true purpose in order to be different, unique, and irreplaceable?

If you would like to discuss the above subject matter or other areas that would be helpful, for you, your business, or your organization, book a Business Mentoring session with us.

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