I’ve spoken about the benefits of doing good for your business before. From top talent acquisition to improved employee morale, to brand recognition, to being able to identify new market trends and niches, to increased customer loyalty, and so on. Making a difference to the world also makes a difference to your business. The examples are endless.
As human beings, we crave meaning and purpose in life, and one way to find it is to connect to a cause larger than ourselves.
We always think of the business case for the social engagement of businesses and we never even consider our health and wellbeing as a reason. Not that you need a reason to do good, but isn’t it great knowing that doing good for someone else does you good too?
Various research on the topic of altruism all show consistent results – doing good is good for you in several ways. Here’s how:
Better Health

Kindness heals more than just hearts—it protects them too!
According to Dr. David R. Hamilton, when we do good deeds our bodies release a hormone called oxytocin. In turn, oxytocin causes the release of a chemical called nitric oxide, which dilates the blood vessels. Oxytocin is known as a “cardioprotective” hormone because it lowers blood pressure. By doing so, it helps protect the heart.
In his book Why Good Things Happen to Good People, researcher Stephen Post also talks about the health benefits of doing good. His research was focused on people with chronic deceases such as HIV and multiple sclerosis. Stephen Post, who is president of the Institute for Research of Unlimited Love, has done several studies on altruism generally as well. The results show that people doing good feel more life satisfaction. They have a stronger sense of self-realization and their health is significantly higher. Mortality is delayed and depression is reduced among such people.
More Happiness
Harvard Business School professor Michael Norton and his colleagues have also done a study on giving and found that, as opposed to their expectations, giving (in this case of money) drastically increases the level of happiness in the givers.
It was also found that the size of the gift bears no correlation as to how happy we feel. Therefore small gifts produce as much happiness as large gifts.
Jorge Moll and his colleagues at the US National Institute of Health have proven that giving activates parts of the brain linked to pleasure, social connection, and trust. This finding highlights the positive effects of generosity on our brains and overall well-being.
Dr. Sonja Luybomirsky who is a University of California professor specializing in happiness, says: “When you are kind to others, you feel good as a person — more moral, optimistic, and positive”. Her research on the topic found that performing positive acts once a week led to the most happiness. She also says: “People who engage in kind acts become happier over time”.
Improved Social Skills
It’s not just health and happiness; doing good has been proven to reduce levels of anxiety in socially anxious people. The University of British Colombia did an experiment where socially anxious people had to perform small acts of kindness at least six times a week over four weeks. This included small gestures such as holding the door open for someone, buying lunch for a friend, etc.
The results from the study showed two types of benefits of doing good. Firstly, acts of kindness led to significant increases in participants’ positive moods. Secondly, they led to an increase in relationship satisfaction and a decrease in social avoidance in these socially anxious individuals.
Stronger Relationships

Stronger bonds, stronger you. Our well-being thrives when we nurture meaningful connections with others.
General well-being, positive attitude, and levels of happiness are as related to our internal perception of the world as they are to what happens to us. Thus, oftentimes they are directly affected by our relationships with others or the lack of such.
It’s been found by several studies that relationships are crucial for our mental and physical health. In his book Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection, John Cacioppo argues that health and well-being depend on strong connections with others. He emphasizes the importance of being secure and satisfied in our social bonds. These connections are crucial for our overall sense of well-being.
The Power of Acts of Kindness
Exchanges of kindness increase the sense of trust and cooperation that strengthens our ties to others. In her book The How of Happiness, Dr. Sonja Luybomirsky writes “Being kind and generous leads you to perceive others more positively and more charitably,” and this “fosters a heightened sense of interdependence and cooperation in your social community.”
Acts of kindness help strengthen social bonds, which are essential for our health and well-being. By giving, we also foster a sense of connectedness that supports mental and emotional well-being. This connection is vital for maintaining overall health.
Studies consistently show that volunteering and charity work make you feel important and needed. Giving to others fosters a sense of significance. These actions enhance your well-being and sense of purpose. The sense of purpose that it evokes in turn leads to more happiness, better health, and better social connectedness. As a human race, we all want to love and be loved.
Scientific research aside, you don’t need empirical proof. I don’t need to prove this to you. We all know the sense of satisfaction and feeling of happiness that comes with doing good, it is just human nature.
The question is not why do it, but how to do it so that it is incorporated into your daily life. We spend a significant portion of our adult life at work, often more than one-third. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know that this time is not just an investment in your career? But also in your personal growth and well-being.
I work with businesses across various sectors, from manufacturing to service providers, both in B2B and B2C domains. I’ve noticed a growing desire among people to find meaning in their lives. And I also know how daunting and challenging embedding a bigger purpose into your organisation is.
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