“Paul is the real deal!”
ABSOLUTELY DO THIS COURSE!!! It’s fun, it’s easy, and it can change your life in the best possible ways! Even if you are already ensconced in your career or are not interested in a career, you will find how you can feel far more fulfilled in your life and change the way you do what you do so that you are living your life on purpose! Having completed the course I feel relieved, excited and energised to make the adjustments in my business that will increase my enjoyment, fulfilment and results. Paul is the real deal!

Barbara Scalera - Success Hypno Coach - UK

“Define Your Life Purpose”
I got what I was looking for and now I feel inspired to build a career around my life purpose. This course will absolutely assist anyone trying to define their life purpose and to take action to build a life around it.

P.R. - Senior Manager, Construction - UK

“Pin-Point Focus”
This course helped me get pin-point focused on what I am here to do. It is very inspirational seeing and feeling the end result. I would highly recommend people do this course sooner than later! Why wait when you can have the clarity of ‘what makes you tick’ now?! Going through life in alignment with yourself would potentially save you years of struggle. I love that the course is concise and really guided, so it makes it easy and fun.

Karen Corrado - Emotion Code Practitioner - USA

“I got what I was looking for”
Yes I got what I was looking for. I had been searching for over 20 years through various discovery books, courses, and I always got a little closer yet there weren’t many ‘aha’ moments. The difference with this course is that it is an embodied experience as the answers came from within myself and I could literally feel their truth. I feel very relieved to finally have the realization of my purpose. The most amazing experience so far is the continued lived experience, like Paul mentioned the Universe shows up when you’re on the right path, and I continue to be in awe of the synchronicities and opportunities that continue to arise. I’m so grateful.

Brie L. - USA

“Purpose, Business and Alignment”
I can definitely recommend working with Paul – he has a unique way of cutting through the many layers of messaging and getting you orientated around what really matters. Purpose alone is not enough! Purpose and a sound business model is likely not quite enough either if alignment isn’t there. That’s what Paul enables – Purpose, Business and Alignment. Thanks for your work thus far Paul – I am really starting to see the returns 😊

Rebecca B. - Australia

“Drive and Buzz”
This course helps you strip everything back to basics and step away from the busyness of life to reveal what really gives to that drive and buzz which becomes the starting point for directing your future career.

Caitriona O'Malley - Chief Financial Officer - Investment Management - Ireland

“A True Revelation”
This course is fantastic and it helped me a lot. Before doing the course I was unable to find a clear way or inspiration about my purpose in life. I was dissatisfied with my current career and I had lost the zest for life. I was also worried that this course was going to be yet another book or class without a real result. It’s not. I learned about myself and it made me realize my true role which to me is very different. It has been a true revelation. I now have hope and it makes the hamster wheel stop.

Emilie Fournier - Canada

“Clarity and Direction”
Before doing the Genius Unlocked course I didn’t really know which direction to go and I felt stuck. I now have clarity and a sense of direction for my life and what I want to do for others. By doing this course you get to discover what your soul is aching for and what you can do to fulfil your soul’s urge.

I.G. - Language Teacher - Portugal

“An Amazing Blessing”
Finally and definitely understanding what my life purpose is from doing the Genius Unlocked course has been such an amazing blessing. I feel a new confidence and joy that has not been understood before the course. I now have a peace that I have never felt before. I want everyone I know to take this course so they will be able understand their life purpose!

Ellen Purcell - USA

“I got the clarity I was looking for”
Before doing Paul’s Genius Unlocked course I felt something was missing which led me running in circles and stuck in the land of inaction. I had bought many courses before to find my life purpose and also worked with coaches, and so had some reservations if this course would be the one that helps me. Having now done the course I got the clarity I was looking for. I am very grateful for it as well as the structure that I got. I especially appreciate being able to walk away with something very tangible – my Pilot’s Manual. What a fantastic gift for life! I have incredible gratitude for how the course is beautifully structured and kindly guided. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Paul. You are a very big talent dear Paul and I truly appreciate this heart inspired course. I would ABSOLUTELY highly recommend this course for everybody actually and especially for those who are looking for a practical and clear approach to get very tangible results in this ever-evolving yet most meaningful in life quest. The course is literally PERFECT!!!!!

D.L. - Lead Coach & Mentor - Personal Development - The Netherlands

“I have a roadmap and direction”
Before working with Paul I had questions about my highest path in life. I’ve always had an inkling that there was something greater for me to focus on. I have been blessed with great work throughout the years but always felt like there was more information for me to know and apply in my life. I finally received answers to questions that I’ve carried around inside me all my life. I feel confident moving forward with this information and totally supported by all my gifts that were revealed in my session with Paul. The difference that it has made for me is that I feel I have a roadmap and the direction to move in with confidence. I feel excited and supported. There is huge benefit is getting clarification about your life path and the tools and direction to help you get there. The clincher for me to make a decision to work with Paul was how he helps you find your life purpose. That has always been a question for me and I felt confident I would receive the answer, which I did. I believe Paul is very gifted and he has created a very organized methodology to reveal answers to these questions that we all have and then provide clear ways to show you how you got there.

Nan Meltzer - Design & Construction Residential House Flipper - USA

“I did find my purpose”
The persistent feeling of hopelessness and being bereft of purpose was exhausting. I felt trapped in an unaligned career with a bleak outlook. Being directionless left me scared and confused, stuck with not knowing how to move forward and that ‘missing something’ remained unidentified and unfulfilled. I was constantly searching for clarity and answers to those question like; who am I, what am I here to do, and can I make a positive difference to many others? Despite my persistence to find the answers and engaging with courses, educators, coaches and research, I still couldn’t get the clarity I was looking for. Before doing the Genius Unlocked course I was concerned at risking more capital and whether I would get the authentic results and support I needed. I had invested so much previously on other courses and programmes and was frustrated on not getting the value. My concern was that I would be left with more questions than answers, become increasingly frustrated and I still would not be able to pinpoint that ‘something’ that was missing from my life. The biggest result after years of uncertainty was that I did find my life purpose. The impact is twofold; the actual process was emotional and brought a depth of healing, and also liberating as now I have the clarity I was seeking. It gave me confidence in who I am. The course community was wonderful, and speaking with like-minded people in a similar situation was a real boost and reassuring, particularly as uncertainty can feel isolating at times. I have found an inner depth to my life purpose and it has given me hope to ignite it moving forward. I recommend this course without hesitation, and Paul as a leader and the unique course he has crafted. Both are greatly authentic and the course was delivered with conviction. The course is amazing, it is bespoke and is very flexible, unlike others that are generalised and do not get down to the very detail and life purpose for you as an individual. Having listened to Paul’s podcast it is also clear that he is well researched and enriched in the subjects. Paul’s approach is powerful as he radiates kindness, truth and a willingness for all to succeed. His demeanour is incredibly warm and welcoming yet maintaining the upmost professionalism. The course is very well structured. The short manageable videos and workings manage the risk of overwhelm perfectly and at a pace suitable for my/our needs. The Q&A calls were so valuable, not just to answer my own questions but also gleaning information from others. The course is transformational and provides you with the gateway on an authentic path. Having followed Paul for a while he is authentic and trustworthy. It is also clear that he is determined to help others be on their correct pathway.

Michelle Williams - Financial Controller - Business Consultancy - UK

“Confirmation and Clarity”
Prior to doing the Genius Unlocked course I had encountered what Paul refers to as a “truck” in my life – a massive wakeup call. This prompted me to re-evaluate everything in my life. Taking the course has given me confirmation and clarity and I am thrilled about this. Paul’s insights added a little more unexpected detail. I would 100% recommend others take this course. If you want a greater sense of fulfilment in your life, don’t think twice. What helped me make the decision to take the course was that I desired clarity on my life purpose as opposed to my passion. This is what Paul advocates strongly. I had also been looking for a business coach. Paul’s focus on life purpose coupled with his strong business experience convinced me to sign up. If you get stuck Paul is always there to answer your questions and to give you a nudge. I found this to be hugely beneficial.

Helen Cole - Artist and Educator - UK

“Greater Clarity”
I wasn’t sure which direction to go in for my life and had been juggling competing demands. I was concerned Paul would just find me to be a crazy mix of contradictions with no clear path! There were areas that I didn’t speak to specifically and yet Paul would see that there was something there and in every instance he called up an aspect of me that I know is there – has always been there – and that often I haven’t known how to harness appropriately. Having him reflect back to me things I have always known (at some level) was very reassuring and invigorating at the same time. I found the experience of working with Paul to be very grounding, it felt like truth; that Paul was seeing me, despite layers and contradictions. It was also uplifting and entirely unusual and special – if only more interactions were like it. I feel like I can see my destination now with greater clarity. I know the steps I need to take. I would absolutely recommend you to work with Paul to know your life purpose as he will provide the clarity and insight beyond what you will ever hear in another coaching context. For me there was also very much a sense/feeling that Paul actually cares – truly cares and was offering me insights with such good will and positive intentionality. It was the connection to the mystery/spiritual/divine which sounded true and from the heart.

Rebecca B. - Director - Lido Island Pty Ltd - Australia

“The Real Deal”
I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone who is ready to find their life purpose. This course has helped me tremendously to find my life purpose in an all-aligned, satisfying way. And more than that, it served as a catalyst for self-reflection and I have gained a greater self-awareness. There is so much good content that just naturally leads you to think about other areas of your life. If you are looking for your life purpose, this course will most definitely help you get just that. The way Paul knows life purpose is really on a different level. It’s the real deal and I’m pretty sure you can’t find this anywhere else.

Victoria - Teacher - Education - USA

“Clarity in all aspects of life”
Before doing the Genius Unlocked course I was feeling lost in life and unsure which direction I needed to go in with my career. I had been in the same industry for 10 years but just had this nagging feeling that there was more to life and what I could be doing. I felt unfulfilled and soon I burned out. I came across Paul and this course by accident but as I’m learning, everything happens as it should. From doing this course I came to discover what it is I’m meant to be doing and how I can leave more of an impact in this world for myself and for others. The biggest impact for me was seeing how everything came together from what was already inside me and to trust in myself and what comes natural. Paul has an amazing gift and way to help guide you. It brought it all together in a way that gave me the much needed direction and confidence that was lacking in my life. I now have a greater understanding of what I am meant to be doing, what my purpose is and why I hadn’t been feeling fulfilled previously. The difference this course had made for me is huge. I came in lost with no direction at all and now I feel hopeful, excited and ready to live my life with purpose. I would 100% recommend this course as it’s given me direction and a better understanding of myself and why I have been feeling like something’s missing. If you could find out your life’s purpose, why wouldn’t you? This course will give you clarity in all aspects of your life, not just professionally. The community the course is within and The Executive Code podcast are full of valuable information and insights. Working with Paul will give the confidence you need to believe in yourself. Honestly when I heard Paul speaking on a podcast I just felt like he could help me. Everything he said clicked within me and I just knew I wanted to do the course. I have gotten so much from this experience and honestly I’d just like to say thank you.

Layne Cushing - Australia

“At last able to fulfil my destiny”
I’ve been actively looking for my life purpose for a decade and there are a lot of false promises out there. Having worked with Paul I can now cite immediately what my life purpose is and what drives me. That means I can exclude offers/jobs/projects that solve an immediate need but will eventually be a waste of the only commodity I can’t get any more of; time. I now feel that I am at last able to fulfil my destiny.

Ross McKay - Director - Yonder - Australia

“I feel energized and exhilarated”
This has been a great experience to correct the course of my life, follow the navigation for the journey ahead and spread my wings to take me to much higher altitude than I could have imagined before. This course changed the course of my life in a way that I feel energized, exhilarated and can hardly wait to start making the changes I need to make, to fulfil my purpose in life. I would recommend this course to everyone to be honest. This course will help you live your authentic life and become self-actualized. I love the personal touch that Paul provides to those who get stuck on their way through the course. He is an amazing guide. This course is life changing, easy to follow and oh so inspiring. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Violetta Grzesko - President - Paragon Transformative Academy - Canada

“I got more than I expected”
Before doing this course I just felt lost, nothing motivated me and I had no sense of direction. I was concerned about spending the money and not sure it was going to help me. I got more than I expected. I found myself and what makes me tick. I feel like I have such clarity now as to what is important to me, who I am, what drives me. This will be with me for life, guiding me, keeping me real. I feel in control, and excited about the future. I highly recommend this course to anyone. To know with certainty these few but powerful things about yourself is really special and they will become an anchor in everything you do. It is life changing and powerful.

Angela D. - Australia

“Direction and Guidance”
This course resonated with me on a deep level. Realizing that the evidence and information I needed to discover my life purpose has been with me since birth and that the Universe does work in Divine Order along with the knowledge that my soul has a specific blueprint that is unique to me. This course has given me the direction and guidance I need in order to be in alignment with my soul contract. What I’m here to do in this lifetime. I feel excited in knowing now what my life’s purpose is and how I can be of service to others. I would absolutely recommend this course to everyone! They will get a deeper understanding of who they are and what they’re here to do in this lifetime. It was an intense journey for me but I’m so incredibly grateful for Paul and the amazing material within this course! The amount of support that Paul provided throughout my experience was awesome. He responded to all my questions. I found the Q&A sessions to be of great value and learned so much more being in the zoom meetings and listening to other individuals questions!

Theresa Allen - Coach and Advisor - USA

“I got the clarity I was looking for”
Before doing this course I was looking for fulfilment and the reason why I am here on this planet. I was on a constant search for answers that never came. Initially I was concerned as to how the course could possibly work without the guidance of Paul in the room and would I get the answers I needed to feel fulfilled. I was so wrong. I did get the clarity I was looking for. It’s such a big body of work I am still processing the results in my head. The idea of never having to search for someone to provide me with answers any longer is extremely reassuring to say the least. You NEED to do this course. This course will change your life. It is an extremely thought provoking, inner questioning piece of work. Truly excellent!!!

Anneliese Duffy Fallon - CEO - Clothing Manufacturer - Ireland

“Clarity and Excitement”
Before doing this course I had no clear vision of what to do. I was fearful of disappearing and frustrated that I knew I had more to do and give. I worried that my career was a waste of time and I have been going the wrong direction. The impact of knowing the elements of my life purpose has given me the most clarity and I’m really excited to put it all to work. This course has much more depth and really helps you anchor what drives and inspires you. It is also really beneficial recognising ways you may sabotage yourself.

Suzanne Griffin - Movement Coach - Health and Wellness - Ireland

“I feel such clarity”
This course was exactly what I needed to gain confidence to know what steps to take next in my business. The material and flow of the course was captivating and easy to understand. Paul offered support all along the way, and for that I am very grateful. It is amazing that in one day I discovered so much about myself, and feel such clarity on my unique life purpose!

Mary Moore - Personal Coach - Canada

The course is brilliant. The Insights that I got will I feel go a long way to guide me in my new business over the next period of time. I wish everybody who gets to do this course well. They are in for an Awesome Flight. Thank you Paul for taking the time to put it all together.

Denis M. - Landscaper - Ireland

“I have felt changes already”
Before working with Paul I was mostly frustrated with my situation and feeling stuck in the same pattern. I wanted to know if I was on the right track or not, and if my life purpose was as I thought/felt. I was worried that I was far away from my life purpose, and that I would have to do a complete turn-around, rethink and maybe even start a long education. From working with Paul, for the first time, I could see myself in the role he described. He went in like a HACCP-team to identify me, my limits and critical control points. He constructed a flow-diagram and confirmed it all there and then. He course-corrected me, and that was exactly what I needed for my life purpose. It has only been a week, but I have felt changes already. I have also noticed how my shadow side has affected so many choices in my past. It feels good to know that I can take action on this, now that it is identified. I would absolutely recommend you to work with Paul as he can give you your own management system. When I listened to Paul’s podcast I felt accepted even before I met him. He lifted the holistic view to another level for me with everything from spirituality to career, and without judgement. This combined with his knowledge in business is the full package.

T.E. - EQMS Manager - Production - Austria

“Greater Level of Clarity “
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for helping me this year. For the first time ever and despite numerous other coaches, you have provided me with a far greater level of clarity and purpose than ever before. You made it so clear how previous decisions had impacted the way they had. So… back in September I accepted a role in a company that a very good friend of mine owns. My new daily role now encompasses each of the four elements that you outlined for me in my Pilots Manual and it has given me a huge sense of freedom. This is quite a sea-change from where I have been previously, and I really feel I’ve broken a pattern of behaviour as I didn’t take the role because of the money – the first time that I’ve chosen a role for a reason other than financial for as long as I can remember! I really couldn’t have done this without you Paul and so I’m very grateful for all of your help, suggestions and guidance, thank you.

D.S. - Manager - Interiors - UK

“I absolutely got what I was looking for”
Before having a session with Paul I was feeling that whilst my current role was OK, I had a strong feeling that I needed to make a change and do something more meaningful. I had been looking for information about Meaning and Purpose and feel that I was led to Paul. The huge difference is Paul’s gift of intuition that comes to him during the session which he shares. He just seems to know. Before the session I had read Paul’s book EVOLVE and had a 30 minute call with Paul after which I decided to schedule a “Pilot’s Manual” session. From the session I absolutely got what I was looking for which was clarity – on why I need to make a move and a clear roadmap as to what that move looks like. I feel excited, full of hope and safe in the knowledge I received. Paul can really help people who have lost their meaning and purpose in life through his gift of intuition which I have never experienced before. This rare gift of intuition is especially powerful when combined with Paul’s own track record and business credibility.

T.W. - Director - Energy & Sustainability Real Estate - UK

“He saved my life”
Before I found Paul, I was at a point in my life where I just didn’t see the point, I didn’t know the meaning of life or why I was living it. I was very depressed and on the edge of giving up completely. Paul literally changed my whole path in life and made me see that I do have a purpose in life, he knew already what that was for me. I thank him for saving my life, literally! I now feel that I have a mission to fulfil. Paul literally answered all my questions about life, explained how I was feeling and reassured me that it’s normal because I’m not on my purpose in life. He made me feel so comfortable and at ease and I felt like I could be myself with him and be truthful. I would definitely recommend anyone having a meeting with Paul that either feels lost or that there is something better for them out there. Paul gave me an answer that no one else could have provided for me, he has a very special gift and I just can’t put into words how much he saved my life. I’ve paid for a lot of coaches in my time but Paul is the first one to put me on the right track and support me afterwards too. You can tell that Paul really does have a passion for helping people and he is so genuine. Paul really does do what he says on the tin! He promises to find your purpose and he delivers exactly that!

Jo Warman - Empowering Women Coach & Mentor - UK

“I now have clarity and direction”
I’m so grateful to Paul and am genuinely quite shocked at how he helped me arrive at such a decision and outcome over such a short session. Thank you so very much, from the heart, I actually feel like a different person and for the first time in decades, I feel I have clarity and direction. Paul has genuinely helped me in a way no other has, and that has such a tremendous impact. What really brought it together was the evidence he uncovered and how he identified and linked my Genius Drivers. That was excellent and I can see how they give me fulfilment.

Dean S. - Manager - Telecommunications - UK

“Has made a significant difference”
I was amazed by how Paul was able to extract for me my purpose in life. This was the single most important thing that I wanted from the session without even expressing the request for it. Initially I was nervous and wasn’t expecting the insights and specific direction that I got from Paul. The knowledge I got from the session has made a significant difference. I feel that I now know what I should do and I’m excited and motivated to achieve it. I really enjoyed working with Paul. I was very pleasantly surprised about how he could give me so much insight. I am particularly grateful because I was very unhappy in my role and felt like an under achiever. I think that if I fulfil my mission and purpose, that I will no longer feel that way.

Paul R. - Manager - Hospitality - Ireland

Testimonials from executives on Paul’s Leadership Development Program:

“Contains life-long skills that can be easily incorporated into your day-to-day work”

“The time management training frees up so much, allows focus and the ability to work on greater things”

“An amazing increase in work efficiency”

“Amazing for people responsible for winning new business and developing client relationships”

“This programme excels with regard to Personal Development”

“Paul was able to adapt to individual requirements and therefore the benefits are very individualised”

“A unique and considered approach to growing a network that leads to greater revenue”

“Every company would benefit from this programme”

“The business development skills learned generate amazing results”

“Paul is very approachable and willing to answer any questions even if they do not relate to the topic of that session”

“Found Paul really engaging and willing to discuss all topics which I raised”

“The material and resources on the website are very useful”

“Would have preferred the benefit of Paul’s coaching and mentoring earlier in my career!”

“Paul is a pleasure to work with”

“High confidence building and higher job performance”

“Sound, structured advice”

“Paul has a unique disposition for carrying out this role. His ability is beyond mere text books and could get to the heart of the matter very expeditiously and effectively”

A testimonial from Stephanie Woollard
– founder and CEO of SevenWomen.org

A testimonial from serial-entrepreneur Colin O’Brien

(as featured on Dragon’s Den both Ireland and UK)

Testimonials from clients:

Doug Gordon“Paul did a fantastic interview on my radio show the other week. We then went and masterminded together over coffee. Paul gave me some amazing tips and in fact one tip which I implemented immediately won me a client straight away. It also added value for both my new client and added massive value for me as well. I have masterminded with many amazing people such as Dr John Demartini, Lisa Nichols, Jack Daly, Keith Barry, Ramona Nicholas and Eamonn Quinn just to name a few; and Paul is as wise and a valuable asset to anyone’s business.”

Doug Gordon – Radio Presenter & Corporate Trainer


Jamie O'Hanlon testimonial“The team and I at Avid Partners Accountants & Business Advisers, engaged Paul over a period of 12 months to assist us with business development and in particular, ways in which to grow the business. This engagement was in 2012 which was a difficult time for any business to grow. Despite this, with Pauls’ supervision and insightful guidance we actually grew the practie sales in that period by €12,000 on average each month. Do I need to say more – the results speak volumes about Pauls’ ability and dedication. I am also aware that Paul has invested heavily, both time and money, in developing his skills and acumen and from my experience he would be a welcome addition to any business wanting to grow and prosper.”

Jamie O’Hanlon – Managing Partner, Avid Partners Accountants & Business Advisers


Leo Maher“Working with Paul is an experience that I will always look upon as being a game changer. He listened foremost and helped me identify the challenges I was having with my business and business style. Paul’s style of mentoring isn’t the usual methodical procedure driven straight from the textbook approach. He helped me discover my own style and strengths and built on those. Paul is engaged with my business 110% and is always available to advise no matter how big or small the issue. Paul was recommended to me at a time when I had to make some tough business decisions about how to move my business forward. It was 2009 and we were feeling the full force of the recession. I have continued to work with Paul since that date and in that period my business has grown 85%. And with Paul’s help we are more focused and have a strong strategy for future growth. As a business owner I believe every business owner should have an advisor, mentor, coach, call them what you want, but if you want somebody who really understands business growth and personal development don’t go past Paul Davis.”

Leo Maher – Chief Executive, Sign + Digital


k_garvey“We’ve worked with Paul for a long time now and he has made a significant difference to our Practice. He got us to focus on the things we are good at, on the things we, as partners, should be doing. He helped us to implement changes that made our practice much more efficient. Since we started working with Paul our turnover has increased every year, even in the midst of the worst depression in a generation. In our first year alone we got a seven fold return on our investment with Paul. I don’t think I need to say any more than that.”

Kenneth Garvey – Partner, Cusack Garvey, Chartered Certified Accountants & Registered Tax Consultants


“With the simple solutions Paul gave me for my business, within ten months I tripled my turnover.”

Heidi Sawyer – Managing Director, IPD


“I now have two companies, my sales figures are up 50%, I don’t work weekends anymore, and have obtained a ten-fold return on investment easily.”

Damien McKay – Consulting Engineer, DMK Architects & Engineers


test_deirdre“Since working with Paul I have achieved clarity in my business direction and am drawing the type of clients I want to my practice. Business has increased such that I now employ an additional solicitor, and I expect in the very near future to increase staffing again. I have rekindled my passion and love of my job, and remember again why it is “I do what I do”. This has filtered to all staff, who are now more productive, more involved, and more secure in their roles. Paul is an invaluable asset of by business.”

Deirdre Burke, D M Burke & Co., Solicitors


test_coffey“With working with Paul we have increased our customer base by 25% and have hired two experienced Support Engineers. We have also been awarded Microsoft Gold Partner status. Paul has been inspirational in providing us with a wealth of knowledge to enable us move our business to a higher level, and has given us the confidence and ability to grow our business in a tougher market.”


John Coffey, Managing Director, GC Technology

“For a long time now, even though I have enjoyed the work I do, I’ve felt utterly overwhelmed by the volume of work and office administration I needed to get through. There was an element of ‘walking through treacle’ about it – a lot of effort for not a lot of progress. After two sessions with Paul, my whole way of looking at myself, my work and how I organise my business is being turned on its head – in an extremely positive way. With Paul’s support and mentoring, I’m looking forward to further exciting developments – to improved cash-flow, to increased fee income and to a better sense of the value of the unique service I offer. I am also moving towards a much more satisfying balance between running my business and the other areas of my life.”

Andrea Martin, Media lawyer


test_paulboylan“In the few months I have been working with Paul and as a direct result; I now have two businesses; I have doubled my hourly rate, and have already received six times the total investment I made with Paul. I have gained so much confidence in myself and my abilities to create the business I want to create. I have discovered an inner strength that I never knew I had, and I am spending less time doing work I don’t like and more time doing the stuff I love!”


Paul Boylan, Owner, Park School of Motoring


test_hugh“I’d like to tell all people considering joining Paul’s programme – with only two hours into our strategy session together, even if I get nothing else from Paul over the next twelve months, I’ve already earned the complete cost of the programme in the last two hours and much more, from the benefit that Paul has given to me and my business so far.” Also… “thanks to the help from Paul, our business has grown substantially, and we currently have a two-month waiting list for our services, and are considering adding to our staff numbers. This is a huge change from our initial predicament at the beginning of the year. We are looking forward to developing and growing this business further and have very definite goals and vision for our future.”

Hugh Feighery – Owner of multiple businesses, including Value Plus Hardware and Activ Web Design


“This programme allows you to think outside the box that could be constraining your vision and limiting you from potential. It allows you to explore your own values, connect with your authentic self, and build a business around that.”

Rody Ryan – Owner, Goldcert Management Systems


“Paul infuses an enthusiasm to business that is not often found. The content provided is an excellent jump start for anyone starting a business or wanting to inject new energy into their current business. I would recommend this course to anyone.”

Tanya Fitzpatrick – Director, Align Somatics Health Care


“Get on to the course as soon as possible. It will give you the right motivation and inspiration to move your plan along.”

Adrian Madden – All Action Training


“The course will fundamentally change how you view your business and how you approach sales and marketing. Apply the ideas and you’ll never look back.”

Leo Duffy – Owner, Yellowstone Communications

p_gillivan“I would recommend this programme to anyone who is serious about developing a stronger business. The course highlights the areas and makes you question the real reasons business maybe not what it should be.”



Philip Gillivan – Owner, Hammurabi


“Highly recommended. A very uplifting experience. A very worthwhile programme, generating wonderful business insights and lots of useful strategies for moving the business forward.”

Derek Phelan – Director, Maltings Training


“Be prepared to learn things about yourself. The programme is fantastic. It makes you question your beliefs, your business and leaves you feeling highly motivated and ready to put all you’ve learned into action.”

Sharon Sheppard – Owner, Out of Hours Admin


“A very good programme for professionals who are serious about marketing their practice.”

David Madden – Owner, Madden Consulting

b_parte“Expect to be inspired and even consumed with a desire to act immediately on the invaluable tips you will receive to move your business forward.”



Bernadette Parte – Owner, Parte & Associates Solicitors


“I just signed up a new client for a contract worth in excess of €600,000… this stuff really works and it’s so easy. I now want you to teach it to the rest of my sales team.”

Ken Murray – Managing Director, Castle Mechanical Handling


“This is the very best Business Programme I have come across in the 18 years I have been in the training business. I can endorse this programme 100%. Where would you get an opportunity such as this one, so don’t let this gift opportunity pass you by. Paul Davis is one of the top consultants Ireland has ever seen.”

Mary Eastwood – Managing Director, Albrite Training


“I found the programme very very beneficial. Paul was extremely knowledgeable and helpful with all challenges I presented him with”

Emer Jameson – Managing Director, Independent Directory


“This was a fantastic programme. I’ve never experienced such an amazing energy and positive feeling from the others on the programme in response to Paul, his delivery, empathy and course content.”

Sadhbh Fitzgibbon – Owner, Sky Interiors


“This programme was fantastic. Extremely thought provoking, very interactive and hugely beneficial. Paul is an amazing presenter with the ability to relax the group, bring them on a journey with achievable goals being the outcome. I would most definitely recommend this programme to others.”

Susan Kelly – Owner, Smart Office Services


“Paul created a relaxed yet focused environment for learning. He covered all aspects of creating more clients, more fees and more time. I feel like I can now focus on implementing what I have learnt. My confidence has soared and my ‘can do’ attitude has been activated. Thank you Paul”

Rita Hurson – Owner, Divorce Mentors Ireland


“The inspiration, focus and re-education I have received from Paul and his team has I strongly believe already paid huge dividends. This is a programme for professionals, senior managers and the self employed. Highly relevant and practical, particularly in these tough times. I would consider it to be of the most worthwhile investment of my time and energy. I would like to let other business owners know that the returns will be almost immediate and I’m sure long lasting. I found this programme to be thoroughly helpful and worthwhile experience delivered by the professionals who know how to help, evaluate and re-invigorate senior managers in today’s business climate.”

Alan McGuirk – General Manager, Time: Bar + Venue Night Club


“Helped me as a techie become a better manager. Great programme and would recommend it to any small business owner. It’s a mini MBA, but practical.”

Peter O’Neill – Managing Director, Invotech


“Paul has been instrumental in helping me to develop my business at a time when I could not see how to grow it further. Paul is a classic lateral thinker, providing stimulating idea’s to help to look at obstacles from a different perspective and is thoroughly engaging & personable.”

Michelle Byrne – Managing Director, Axiom Design


“Brilliant programme, informative, with excellent interaction. Met all my expectations and thoroughly enjoyed the experience”

Eleanor Murphy – Managing Director, Master Management Ireland


“This has been a positive life changing experience in both a business and a personal sense”

Eddie Grace – Managing Director, IBC Limited


“I lacked confidence in myself and my understanding of business, and from day one they made me feel comfortable. This programme covered everything and more than I had hoped.”

Denise O’Connor – Director, Cubby O’Connor Jewellery


“The immediate implementation of knowledge gained from this programme is astonishing. My expectations were far exceeded, in both details and relevance – this is not just a discussion on business theory but a clear and practical guide on how run a better business.”

Tom Taylor – Director, Minerex Environmental


“This programme allowed and facilitated the time to stand back, analyse the business and work on it.”

Cathy McGennis – Owner, SPSS Ireland


“The presenters were excellent in covering a huge amount of topics and the structure was great. I highly recommend this to anyone in business.”

Sharon Tinkler – Owner, Stepping Out


“This programme has had a great influence in the success of my business.”

Sean Flannery – Owner, Flannery Nurseries


“An excellent training for owner managers. Do it and get focused.”

Steve Perry – Owner, The Shower Doctors


“Just do it! It is well worthwhile taking the time out of your business to give you the tools to work on your business given by people with passion and experience.”

Cecil Shine – Owner, Minerex Environmental


“This programme is a valuable exercise for business owners trying to establish where their business is, how to develop key staff and plan for a structured and timely exit from the business.”

Ian Jackson – Director, Go2Web


“This programme has made it simple for me to best move forward with my business.”

Phelim Pekaar – Managing Director, P3


“This programme really helped increase my confidence in business and the support of the course providers was fantastic.”

Jenny Rush – Director, Minerex Environmental


“I really enjoyed the programme and I would recommend it to anyone in business.”

Shane O’Reilly – Director, SOS Property Services


“This programme has given me the direction, vision and tools to lead the business towards a solid future even in a difficult climate.”

Martina Wyse – General Manager, Flannery Nurseries


“It has definitely been useful for us to actually get our business to run properly and we continue to use the tools”

Cora Sherwood – Director, Irish Towing Services


“I was struggling to grow and maintain the business in the current climate and I was concerned about the lack of time to plan and develop a strategy for my business. During this programme I covered all the aspects in growing my business, motivating staff and getting team involvement in growing the business. As a result I now have a plan and the business tools to grow and develop the company going forward”

Jimmy Walsh – Managing Director, Dara Creative


“I really enjoyed this programme and learned loads…”

Angela Clarke – Tax Manager, Sean McEvoy & Co


“Very interactive which was great, insightful and thought provoking. Empowering in a sense that one finds the confidence after the programme to strive higher and grow larger and be better.”

Colette Van Jaarsveld – Director, Arcology Design Limited


“Paul’s business development knowledge and generous advice on professional services marketing is second to none”

Lynda McCracken – Director, Innovation Employment


“Paul has a calming presence, along with a wonderful ability to be able to help people ‘see the wood for the trees’. He works from a place of integrity and authenticity. If you want to take your business to a whole new level he is someone I would highly recommend and trust.”

Grattan Donnelly – Grattan Donnelly & Associates


“I found Paul was able to see an avenue in my business to increase income that I had not considered. I achieved a clear understanding of where my business was and where it should be heading. I have no hesitation in recommending Paul Davis to anyone who wants to grow both within themselves and their business.”

Philip Gillivan – Owner, Hammurabi


“Paul’s guidance for our online development has proved to be a huge advantage to my business going forward. I can honestly say that we would probably not have a business today if not for the investment we made with Paul Davis.”

Hugh Feighery – Managing Director, Hardware Ireland


“Paul is an innovative and practical business coach, who has a genuine desire to develop people’s ideas into successful businesses. He is insightful and encouraging and I would recommend him as a great support in developing a growing business.”

MK – Managing Director, Tax Talk


“Working with Paul was one of the best business decisions I could have made. He helped me to see the huge potential in my business and gave me the confidence to bring it to the next level. As a result I have many more clients and am able to manage my work/life balance better. Life is good!”

Susan Kelly – Owner, Smart Office Services


“Paul is a very professional business coach. He has that rare quality of been able to inspire his clients, and coach them to motivate themselves. I doubt if there is a better business coach in Ireland at present. Paul treats your business as he treats his own….with the up-most professionalism, enthusiasm and diligence. I would highly recommend Paul’s services.”

Eddie O’Neill – Owner, Rhythm Retreats


“If you attend the course, you will receive great insight into how best to propel your business forward and win new clients. It will also provide you with a greater understanding of what your client requirements are from you as a service provider, giving you an edge on your competitors. Since attending the course I have actually put many of Paul’s suggestions into practice which were extremely successful”

Liam Doyle – Phelan Doyle, Chartered Quantity Surveyors


“Do it and action it. Much less ‘American’ than many other sales / business getting courses, which I liked. Found the information very illuminating and helpful.”

Anna Collins – Anna Collins Nutritional Therapy


“It does what it says on the tin…it will move your business forward. Very easy style. Must attend.”

Avril Tabuns – Casa Home Carers


“A must for anybody in business today. Excellent material, enjoyable and very well delivered.”

Niall Glynn – Niall Glynn & Associates, HR Solutions


“A lot covered in one day. Excellent course which covered all aspects of setting up structures to get more clients, fees and time.”

Paul McCarthy – RGC Technologies, Facilities Management


“If you want to grow your business or fee levels, then do this course.”

Darragh Kilbride – Kilbride Consulting, Tax Advisors


“Take the time to attend this course – you will not regret it.”

Ray Murphy – Strategic Computing Consultancy


“Paul delivers an excellent course in a matter of fact way, ideal for small business owners trying to manage their time and increase their profitability.”

Liam Whelan – Whelan & Co, Chartered Quantity Surveyors


“An incredible amount of content, presented simply but very powerfully – at a pace I truly commend! As a ‘full day’ is daunting to commit to and retain my attention, I found the flow of the whole experience motivating, educational and truly a most enhancing contribution to me and my business.”

Lisa Cunningham – Vogue Business Development


“It’s a super programme with real content and excellent worksheets. The presentation is very clear and Paul Davis is definitely an expert in his field. It’s not a hard sell to generate business, but simply a package based on proved business processes to gain clients and increase fees.”

Peter Nolan – 4ward Coaching


“Fast paced information packed day. Applying just some of the tools we learned will make a massive difference to any business.”

Mary Ryan – Product Innovator


“Excellent skills, techniques and tools given to arm you with confidence to ‘win’ more clients, and to think of your business in a different way.”

Aimée Madden – Tragpi Medical Software


“Paul provides down to earth practical solutions for growing a professional services firm. Would highly recommend for anyone who is seriously interested in increasing their fees.”

Micheal O’Neill – Omnipro Accountants Resource Network


“Excellent content and delivery. Feel very energised to develop my business.”

Colette O’Sullivan – Mediator


“Don’t do any more business until you attend this course, transformational.”

Bill Morrissey – Mediator and ADR Services


“In the short period of working with Paul, I have achieved so much personal and business growth. I have implemented strategies into my business that I never thought I would, and they are starting to pay dividends. I have learnt so many techniques that work, and are congruent with the way I do business. In summary, I really love what I do in business again.”

Sandra Maher – Inspire Financial Services


“Get Paul Davis to look at the way your business is run. Better still, get him to look at the way that you run your business. All I can say is – he will change your business, he might even change you! As a result your profit will grow and your business will flourish.”

Brendan Allen – Allen Morrissey & Co, Accountants and Tax Advisors


“Working with Paul has given me a long-term strategy for my business, enabled me to develop a detailed plan to implement it and provided the mentoring and support necessary to achieve this. He has inspired me to strive for excellence and to believe that I can achieve this. I would highly recommend Paul as a business development consultant”

Mary Rafferty – Consensus Mediation


“Paul’s personalised business service inspires trust and confidence. He has provided me with practical business ‘know-how’ that otherwise would have taken years to acquire through costly mistakes. In particular his insight-fullness has enabled me build strategies, stronger professional relationships and win customers.”

Eleanor Murphy – Career Development Specialists


“Helps refocus the mind and get fresh and new ideas for getting more out of the business and enjoy work more.””

Graham Gill, Byrne & McCall Accountants


“Very useful, practical, step-by-step guide to making positive business change.””

Damian Penco, Bloom Creative Agency


“Go and listen to someone who has done what you want to do successfully. Hear about examples that bring the techniques to life and leave with a clear plan and confidence that it will work.””

Mark Gould, MG Consulting


“This programme broadens your mind on what your clients are looking for from you. Giving you the opportunity to improve client satisfaction and increase fees.””

Nigel Mayberry, Cooney Carey Accountants


“You cannot but gain from the steps, ideas and suggestions from a proven expert – Paul Davis.””

Colm Deignan, Mediator Commercial


“Learn from others, far cheaper than making mistakes yourself. Very well structured, relevant content, and effective.””

Ciaran Moore, Creative Management Solutions


“Very enjoyable programme. Paul is a very knowledgeable person and imparts his knowledge and experience very effectively.””

John Long, Kane Crowe Kavanagh


“Business development is as important to your business as sleep is to your body. Paul’s programme sorts out that issue in one day – excellent value.””

Bill Morrissey, Adjudication Mediation ADR Services


“Very impressive, first class communicator and a real thought leader. Highly recommended.””

Eamonn O’Reilly, Red Tree Recruitment


“Common sense approach to growing your business.””

Joe McCall, Byrne & McCall Accountants


“If you want to grow your business, you have to listen to Paul Davis.””

Claire Connolly, Dundrum Lettings


Attending the Presentation of “Accountant of the Year 2016” Award to one of my clients – Cathal Cusack

Video Testimonials:

Interview with Cathal Cusack

Interview with Damian McKay

Interview with Paul Boylan