“What we must decide is perhaps how we are valuable, rather than how valuable we are.” (Edgar Z Friedenberg)
It may take a moment to digest the full wisdom of this brilliant distinction. However, for businesses in the future, it’s not going to be a case of what is the cost; but rather about discovering the hidden value.
For example, do you ever find that your customers (or employers) are reluctant to talk about the value you bring? Alternatively, would they recognize it if only they gave you the assignment or the job?
This reluctance is often very real. At other times, however, it is also a reflection of our reluctance to probe, and thus discover how exactly we are valuable. Consequently, who knows what enormous gems lie undiscovered beneath this reluctance?
If we are serious about harnessing the untapped power of undiscovered value, we must also be honest about the resistance we encounter. Indeed, we have a natural distaste for those who constantly seek reassurance that they are of value. Those who constantly ask for feedback on their performance may well betray an underlying self-obsession that at best we indulge, at worst we resent.

Embracing the journey of recognizing value while addressing resistance to feedback.
They are making the mistake of pursuing the question of “how valuable they are“. Let’s be honest, most of us are tired of “rate our performance” questions.
By contrast, take a look at these questions, assembled to discover how we might be of value, rather than how valuable we are:
1. At the start of an interview:
“What about my CV prompted you to meet with me?”
2. Meeting a new client for the first time:
“Of these four subjects, which would be most valuable for you to explore today?”
3. At the end of any meeting:
“What are you taking from this discussion?”
4. In a project review:
“Of all the areas we have worked on – brief recap – which for you had the most value?”
5. Personally/socially:
“What have you most enjoyed about this evening?”

True value in business lies in understanding how we contribute, not just in what we are worth.
In conclusion, questions like these uncover how exactly we are of value, rather than how valuable we are. Value is the ideal basis for effective negotiation, genuine customer service development, fruitful employee appraisal, and lasting business development.
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