In the last blog, I talked about finding your purpose. Some people feel that life has no purpose. They believe you just go through the motions—working, running a business, or focusing on a career. And that’s all there is to life.
Whereas other people are drawn to a state of feeling that “No, actually there has to be something more to life. There has to be something more that I’m here to do. That there’s a reason or a purpose or a meaning for my life, to be here.”
In the last blog I spoke about, well how can you find your purpose, and the techniques or the methodology that I gave are some of the elements of what I work through with clients. And it’s this methodology that helps people to find what it is that their true purpose is. What is it that best suits them? What it is that they’re here for? And what is their business or their career to be wrapped around what their purpose is?
And I also spoke about in an earlier blog, by way of the different States of Being that we actually go through, but there were two particular states that I want to focus on here. These are the state of Belief and the state of Knowing. And in between these two states, there’s a critical line that shows up or a critical threshold as what sometimes I refer to it as. When people transition from Belief to Knowing, this critical line emerges. It often creates an inner anxiousness, unease, or nervousness in the individual.
It’s an inner struggle between holding onto the older state of Belief and wanting to move into the higher state of Knowing. The desire to evolve pulls one toward a deeper understanding.
I discussed some of the elements in previous blogs that show up in people’s lives as they’re making this transition, but I want to drill down a little bit deeper than that. What I explained was that it’s a bit like you’ve got one individual but the person is split in two. One-half of the person wants to remain in the old world of Belief. The other half seeks to move into the higher world of Knowing.

Embrace the journey to find your purpose—let clarity guide your path.
It’s these two worlds that create this split individual within the one person. What’s happening inside is that the person’s state of consciousness is holding onto old ways of operating. This includes how they handled business, developed their career, and brought things into their life. They are struggling to maintain the old world they know. Whereas the other part of themselves is fighting and wanting to move towards a much easier way of doing things. So these two worlds are created by the sense of on one side, you’ve got conscious thinking. And then on the other side, you’ve got unconscious thinking.
As I mentioned in previous blogs, The Genius Code™ works by activating the Executive Center in the brain. This connects with the Unconscious mind and, in turn, the SuperConscious. It’s an unconscious part of us that absorbs a vast amount of information. It helps guide us through our daily lives.
The more we try to control and plan, the more we overthink how things should unfold. This only creates more angst within ourselves. The more we surrender to the unconscious part of ourselves, connected to the SuperConscious, the easier life becomes. Letting this part of ourselves lead simplifies our experience.
It’s difficult for people to grasp and even harder to operate from. After living a certain way for years, it’s challenging to adapt to a completely new approach. Ultimately, it’s about changing our habits and routines.
So like with anything new, it’s unnerving, it’s unsettling. And there may have been things that you’ve tried to do in the past by way of trying to do something new, which has been unnerving and has been unsettling. And until such time it becomes a routine, it takes a bit of time and it takes a bit of practice.
So ultimately, it’s about forming new habits and a new way of doing things. You’ve been working the same way for so long. Now, the challenge is creating new habits and routines in your life.

Sometimes, clarity arrives when you least expect it—during the simplest moments of your daily routine.
But let me put it this way. Let me give you an example. When in the past, you’ve been working on a problem and you’re consciously thinking a way of figuring out that particular problem, to find an answer, to find a solution. You can’t figure out the solution to the problem, no matter how hard you try. You’ve been working on it for days, maybe even weeks. It’s been a long struggle. And you still can’t come up with the solution to your problem, because you’re again, consciously thinking about it. One morning, as you’re going through your daily routine, an inspired thought suddenly pops into your mind. Whether you’re brushing your teeth or taking a shower, it just happens.
And for other people, sometimes it can happen from the perspective when you get woken up during the night. Sometimes, typically between three o’clock in the morning and four o’clock in the morning. All of a sudden you’re fast asleep, but then you get awakened by this inspired thought. Ultimately, what’s happening is that the unconscious mind has been working on that problem and trying to give you the solution to that problem. Hence, the reason why it’s giving you that inspired thought as you’re going about doing something else that’s completely routine.
So this is just an example for you to get your mind around what it is that the unconscious mind does and how it works and how it communicates those inspired thoughts to yourself. When you see it from that perspective, you realize that handing it over to the unconscious mind taps into its immense power. This allows us to access infinite possibilities to solve the problems we’re facing.
But equally in order to actually bring about whatever our goals, our objectives are that we’re actually trying to make manifest.”
So if we were to stop consciously thinking and be led more by our unconscious, well then life becomes an awful lot easier. Now, most people will refer to this as being your gut feeling or your intuition. And there will have been times that you will have had that gut feeling or that intuition piece or that inspired thought. Think about the times you’ve followed signals, gut feelings, or moments of intuition. What was the outcome when you acted on them?
I can guarantee it was always for the positive when you followed your intuition. On the other hand, when you went against your gut feeling, it usually led to negative outcomes. Whenever I’ve ignored my intuition, it has always backfired. The consequences are clear when I don’t trust my gut. It always hits me hard in the end.
So what I’m encouraging you to do is to look at how can you become more sensitive to your unconscious part of you. The unconscious mind processes and brings in vast amounts of information. It communicates this to your Executive Center to guide everything you do.
So that moment of where you’re moving from the state of Belief into the state of Knowing is that unease in between … It’s like moving between two different stools. It’s so different. What shows up in our lives is a sense of restlessness. This happens because our unconscious mind is trying to guide us towards something greater, something bigger than ourselves. It’s our purpose, is what I described in a previous blog.
And this inner restlessness is an inner feeling that, “Do you know what, what I’m doing right now doesn’t feel right. Whatever I’m doing right now in my business or my career is not what I want to be doing … I should be doing something different. Or there’s just an unease in what it is that I’m doing.” And you’re being led to do something else. You’re being led to explore a new avenue, different opportunities.

Life’s gentle nudge: Sometimes, the restlessness within us is just a sign pointing us toward subtle changes that lead to profound growth.
Now, it may not be completely radical. It may just be a slight change in how you’re doing your business or how you’re developing your career. And ultimately, it’s trying to guide you in a different direction. In some people, that difference can be huge in the sense of where it’s trying to guide them. That can be huge, but in the vast majority of cases, it’s actually very, very slight. So this restlessness that we feel inside is actually trying to guide us.
In the transition from Belief to Knowing, a lack of focus and direction often arises. We begin to question where we’re headed and which path to take. Ultimately, we’re seeking a clear image of where we should be heading. This includes the new direction for our business or career.
So a lot of people spend a lot of time in actually searching out what that end image looks like, or what that end vision looks like. Here’s the hardest part for a lot of people to get their head around. You won’t get that image for yourself. You won’t achieve that end goal because your unconscious mind is teaching you to trust itself. It’s guiding you toward something, and you need to have complete faith in that guidance.
If it were to give you a vision, image, direction, or end goal, the fun would be lost. I previously discussed life as a game, comparing it to snakes and ladders, in another blog. The more we are given that end goal or that end picture, well then the fun is gone out of our game of life.
So that’s the reason why it doesn’t give an end image. The goal is to help you move forward, surrender, and trust that you’re being guided every step of the way. If you rely on your conscious mind, distractions, anxiety, and unease will increase.
So all those negative emotions will start to appear. The more you trust and have faith in your unconscious mind and follow where it guides you inwardly, the easier things happen.
Another sense of a feeling that comes up is the sense that I’m at a crossroads. Now, whether in your mind you can picture a crossroads or whether it’s a Y junction, whatever that image is for you, but it’s this sense of an inner feeling of, “I either go down one path or I go down the other path. And it’s trying to decide which path I go on.”
I’m going to talk a little bit about this in a future blog, but it’s just this inner feeling of trying to make a choice. Some choices are easier to make, while others are more difficult. This difficulty often comes from needing to take a leap of faith. It’s about trusting what you’re being guided toward or drawn to. It’s that feeling of trying to make a decision. You’re at a crossroads, wondering which path to take in life, business, or your career. It’s about figuring out the right route.
This can lead to feelings of depression and a sense of meaninglessness. We may search for purpose in life but struggle to find it. And it’s a case of, “I’m not being fulfilled. What is the point in life?” These are the kinds of questions that start to come up as you shift from a state of Belief to a state of Knowing.
And in the sense of what’s the purpose, or what’s my meaning, why am I here, what’s the point of it or a wanting perhaps in some respects, trying to “check out” and just feeling of lack of motivation in what it is that you’re doing. And you could be working in a business or working in your career and over a period of time, you say, “Actually, do you know what? I don’t enjoy what I’m doing anymore. I don’t get the same buzz or the same fulfillment or that same sense of that I’m making a difference or I’m getting meaning from the business or the career that you’ve been creating for either a number of years or quite a long period of time.”
And in that moment, when we start to question, “Well, what is it that I’m doing and why do I not get any fulfillment or meaning from what it is that I’m doing?” If we didn’t have those feelings, it wouldn’t cause us to change to a new direction, hence the reason why that feeling is coming up.
All these feelings ultimately are a feedback mechanism to ourselves that we’re not living in equilibrium. We’re not living in our purpose. We are not living the way we are meant to live.

Emotions are our unconscious mind’s way of guiding us—nudging us to reflect, adjust, and redirect. From the fear of the unknown to the sense of being stuck on a treadmill, these feelings illuminate the path between belief and knowing, urging us toward growth and transformation.
So all these emotions are literally feedback mechanisms to ourselves, from our unconscious mind to guide us in a new direction. What also tends to come up is this fear and this anxiety of, “What does the future hold and where am I going?” And again, those feelings and emotions are there to guide us in a slightly different line or different track.
Other emotions that also start to come up is just this feeling of, “Actually, do you know what, I’m doing this business, I’m doing this career, but I just feel like I’m on a treadmill that I’m just going from day to day, to day to day. All I’m doing is paying bills or focusing on my business or career. It feels like I’m stuck on a treadmill or hamster wheel. These thoughts arise between the states of Belief and Knowing.
It contributes to imposter syndrome, where we outwardly present that everything is fine and under control. We project that we have everything together in our personal life, business, and career. We give the impression that we’re performing at our best. Inwardly, we are filled with questions that arise in our lives. These questions push us to explore new directions and discover our true purpose. They urge us to discover what we are meant to do and determine where we should go.
So that feeling of feeling like an imposter starts to show more so in between these two particular states. But ultimately what’s happening is that there’s an inner desire of wanting to make an impact. And you’ll see this build-up within an individual where they look at maybe volunteer work or look to try and make more of an impact in other people’s lives.
We want to make an impact and leave a legacy. Our goal is to develop something for ourselves that will make a difference. We aim to be remembered in others’ lives. And there’s this question “I’m just not living my full potential.” And that we’re here for a much bigger reason that you’re here to literally achieve much, much more. Believe me, every single person that I’ve come across, there is so much more that they’re absolutely here to achieve. It’s phenomenal to see their potential when I recognize their purpose and visualize where they’re meant to be. The potential for them is absolutely phenomenal.
It’s no surprise when someone tells me, “I feel I’m not reaching my full potential.” Even if they’re highly successful in their business or career, I can see a huge gap between where they are and the potential they could achieve. The difference is truly remarkable.
It’s just amazing to see what they’re achieving and how that image looks from my perspective. When a person is going through this period of time, it’s a case of, they just can’t put their finger on what they should be doing. I arise with these searching questions: “What am I supposed to be doing?” The answer feels elusive, but I sense being guided toward something greater, even if I can’t quite grasp it.
They engage in various activities, read many books, take different courses, and travel the world in search of themselves. They’re trying to figure out what they’re meant to do. Often, they wait for someone to tell them their purpose in life.
It’s easy for me because I get those images for people, but for other people where they can’t get the direction for themselves, then that can be extremely unnerving. They can spend long periods of time searching for themselves to figure out what they are supposed to be doing. And they still can’t put their finger on it. But in the previous blog, I explained a little bit more about what you can actually do to try and find that for yourself.
And what is it that your Internal Priorities are saying, what is it that your Telso is, what your purpose is, and so on? So these are ways that you can actually find that out for yourself. That’s very quick and very, very easy in order to actually get you that sense of direction for yourself. But these are just some of the symptoms that show up in people’s lives.
Now, when I’m working with my clients, I actually explained this in the first book that I wrote, and the first book called EVOLVE. And I gave the analogy of the feather, the brick, and the truck. Now ultimately what’s happening, I use this analogy because it gets the message very quickly across for people. Now, if you can imagine you’ve got a feather, and you can also imagine a brick, and you can also imagine a truck.
So let me describe each one of them and ultimately what’s happening. So if you can imagine the feather, the feather is so light. If you imagine the touch of a feather, it’s so, so light. Ultimately, what happens is the unconscious mind is trying to give us nudges. It’s trying to guide us in a particular way. It’s trying to direct us in a particular way. And it starts off like a feather, meaning just those light touches.
Now, how it comes about in our life is that we get that inspired thought or we get ideas into our mind of what it is that we should be doing. It could be a simple action, like sending an email or making a phone call. Sometimes, a thought crosses our mind, like, “Wouldn’t it be great if I did X in my business?” But then, we quickly forget about it.
We just either don’t take note of them, we don’t write them down, or we just ignore them and we just move on to something else. We just forget about them. Those feathers can come as ideas or inspiration. Sometimes, a conversation or a simple comment from someone sparks something within us.
And we just get this surge of energy within ourselves saying, “Oh my God, maybe I should be doing something there.” There’s something that they said that makes a difference for ourselves inwardly or internally. We could be watching a movie, reading a book, or just having a conversation. In the midst of it, something might inspire us to take note, write it down, or take action. But again, if we ignore it, we just forget about it and we just move on throughout our day. But they’re so light that it’s like the touch of a feather.
If we don’t listen to the feathers, the brick comes along. Now you can imagine, the brick is a little bit more subtle than the feather. Now the brick shows up in the format of a sickness. It can be a temporary sickness, we can get over it, but it can hold us back or impact us for a short period of time. It can be in our business. Or it could be the loss of a big client that we need a long period of time to recover from.
There are some clients that we could lose within a business whereby it could take months and months and months in order to actually recover from that loss of income. And because of that, it actually stops us in our track, in what we’re actually doing. It could be the accident that literally has us lying down in bed or in hospital, trying to figure out and trying to just stop us in what we’re doing, so therefore we can’t do our business, or we can’t do our career building.
It’s literally, we’re confined to our bed, whether it be at home or in the hospital. And it’s those weeks or months that we’re actually just given the space to start looking inwardly and thinking and contemplating a better life and so on. And these are just things that set us back, but we can overcome them relatively easily. But it does leave a mark.
Now, if we don’t listen to the brick and we don’t listen to the feathers, well, the truck comes along. And believe me, in my experience in working with so many different people over the years, you don’t want the truck to come along. Because the truck shows up in the form of a divorce, a separation, a redundancy in a career whereby it’s been thrown upon us and we have to make a change. It’s that serious illness, that unlike say the accident or the previous sickness that we may have had before by way of the brick, this serious illness literally does stop us in our tracks. And in some cases, we can overcome it.
Or other cases, literally we have to live with that illness for the rest of our days. It could be a business failure. Or it could be literally everything is being stripped away from us and that’s the truck. It literally just stops us completely and firmly in our tracks, and we have to do something completely, radically different at that stage.
Now these are the three types of unconscious signals or unconscious nudges that happen in people’s lives. And I’ve seen this so many times as I’ve observed, and as I’ve worked with different clients over the years. So again, just keep in mind by way of, the feathers or the bricks or the trucks.
I’m sure you’ve encountered feathers, bricks, and trucks in your life. It’s important to remember those moments and reflect on them. Recognize that you may have had inspired thoughts but never acted on them.
Or maybe you did get inspired thoughts. You did do something about them. And they turned out to be extremely fruitful. Or the bricks have shown up in your life and try to identify them. If trucks have come your way, identify what they represent. Consider what they are guiding you towards or the change they are urging you to make in your life to shift your path.
When you followed the bricks, trucks, and feathers, and took action on those inspired thoughts, it worked out. I can pretty much guarantee that.
But when you didn’t, well then what was the impact? What happened in your life or what was the difference in your life when you didn’t follow those nudges? It would be worth starting to think about. And if there are any feathers, bricks, or trucks showing up in your life right now at the moment, what is it trying to guide you toward? What direction is it trying to bring you to?
We’re all experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic right now. From the very beginning, I felt it was a call for people to step into their purpose and embrace what they’re meant to do.
When I hosted a webinar series, I shared this thought during the first session. From the perspective of the pandemic, despite its global impact, I sensed something profound. It seemed the pandemic was inspiring people to step into their power, realize their potential, and embrace their purpose.
In the weeks that followed, new conversations began to unfold. I found myself talking to new people who crossed my path. It left me wondering, “Where am I going?” “What’s happening in my business or career?” They had an inner desire to make a change. This could be a slight shift or a complete transformation in their work or business. So for me, I saw this actually play out and happen by way of, it is actually asking people to step up to their purpose.
So when you look at your space right now at the moment and where you are in your business or your life, what is it that you’re being called towards? What is it that it’s asking you to change? And what has been that inner desire for yourself to do differently, to move towards something different?
Many of us are now working remotely or from home. In this space, some people take a moment to reflect. They ask themselves, “What am I really doing?” Maybe I should change things of how I’m doing things in either in my business or in my life or in my career.” It’s giving people that space to ask those questions and to contemplate what it is that they’re supposed to be doing.
And before we all get back to, for want of a better word, the new normal, and as I said, there is no such thing as a normal. But as we move back and into our lives again and things start to open up again, how different do you want your life to be?
Listen closely to those nudges and what your unconscious mind is trying to tell you. Right now, it’s asking you an important question: How do you want your life to be different? How do you want your business or your career to be different? What have you suppressed within yourself that you’ve wanted to express for years? Why haven’t you been able to pursue it? What is drawing you toward it?
Ask yourself those kinds of questions. But next, once you’ve got a sense of what that new direction is for you, well then what is it that you need to do to take action? What are the steps that you need to take right now? Just those first few steps, what’s the action that you need to take? In some cases, maybe just reaching out to somebody or in some cases maybe, “Actually, do you know what, I need to change my messaging about what it is that I do in my business.”
Whatever comes up for you, surrender to it and trust your unconscious to guide you. The more you allow this, the more inspired thoughts will emerge. These thoughts will show you the next steps to take. But for some people, it holds them back. So the question I have for you then is, well what is actually holding you back?
If you can pinpoint what’s holding you back, you can address it. Once identified, steps can be taken to overcome it. This allows you to dissolve the obstacle. Because there’s no doubt you’re to step into your purpose. If you’re reading this blog, you’ve likely followed my previous guidance. I’ve been encouraging you to step into who you truly are. This journey is about embracing your purpose and achieving your full potential.
If you absolutely listen to this, it means that your inner questioning is literally getting you to try and move onto a track for you. Your purpose. For you to live your purpose. And to reach your full potential. For you to literally make manifest your full potential, whether it be in your business or in your career.
That’s what you’re here for. So what is it that’s holding you back? And when you decide, and you can specify and identify what it is that is holding you back, well then you can go about and dissolve it. Then you can go about getting over that obstacle of what you perceive is actually holding you back. These are just some of the questions that you can ponder for yourself.
They’re very specific questions, but you must ponder on them and look for the inward answer. The inward answer, what I mean by that is communicating with your unconscious. Avoid consciously thinking about the answers to these questions. Instead, let the answers arise unconsciously. The more you reflect and seek them, the more guidance you’ll receive. And it’s taking that leap and that move towards that state of Knowing that will move you up to much higher states.
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