As a service provider, like many of my clients, you may feel uncertain about how to price your services and get what you deserve.
Worse – you may feel that between time spent on emails, meetings, proposals, and the actual work; you barely make a profit.
If you charge per hour, these are concerns you will have – legitimately.
This is why, I advise against that.
Instead, what you need to do is charge based on what your help is worth to the client.
Not what You think your value is, but what your client knows it is worth to them. We tend to undervalue our input. And worse still, the lower our self-confidence, the lower our fee will be. So how do you know what your help is worth?

Brainstorming pricing strategies: Find your worth as a service provider.
It’s simple – ask questions:
1. Tell me about your business
Commonsense, I know. But you will be surprised how often it is overlooked. It shows interest & helps build rapport right away
2. What’s working well at the moment?
Builds on the above, gets your client to open up more & naturally leads to identifying what is not working
3. If you could change one thing, what would it be?
Help them identify the root of the problem, steering them away from the symptoms If you want to know more, see the link in the first comment.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask here.
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