If you were to start over again in business or career – what would you do differently?
Seriously, if there were no limitations, no boundaries, no doubts, no worries, no concerns – what would you do differently?
I’m sure there will be things that you would not do, things that you would do more of, different choices you would make along the way, and perhaps even a sprinkle of some extra courage when you most needed it.
Many people end up living a life, a career, or a business according to what is expected of them by others, the profession they qualified in, the career that they stumbled into, so to speak.
But then what happens is they wake up one day feeling empty and that they’re on a hamster wheel, constantly doing the same things day in day out; and wonder why.
So what if you had the chance to start over again in business or career – right now, in this very moment?
Because you can – it’s your choice.
And when someone considers that, what happens then is all the fear and doubt start to come in, such as “I don’t have the finances”, “what will other people think,” “I’ve invested so much in my career or business, how can I throw that away,” “I’ve too many responsibilities” … and the list goes on.
So the immediate response is … that’s impossible!
But is it?
Is it really that impossible – or is it that you just don’t know what to do, how to do it, how to transition, or have the courage to bring your business in a new direction?
You see, right now, you have a choice – you can keep doing what you’ve always done. And if that’s bringing you what you want, and you’re loving what you’re doing, and you can’t wait to jump out of bed each morning to do it, then brilliant.
But if it’s not, then what do you want to do differently? And what would make you do it?
Because in order to get a different outcome, we need to be taking different actions.
And what if you didn’t have a choice – what if you were forced to make a choice today?
Would you choose differently?
What would you do differently?
Would you continue doing what you’re doing?
Because it all starts with making a decision.
Once you’ve made a firm decision, with no room to turn back, then that becomes the first day of your new life.
It’s your choice – you always have a choice – that’s where free will comes into play.
Every single day, you have a choice – but what’s the choice you’re making?

Because in order to have a better life, a better business or career, a better relationship, a better _ fill in the blank – you have to decide.
Nobody else can do it for you – you have to be the one to decide.
Does it sometimes require a leap of faith – yes, absolutely.
But are the rewards there – ABSOLUTELY.
So which will it be – do you want to continue fighting and pushing to make things happen to make your business a success?
Or do you want to try a different, more effortless way?
It’s your choice.
Choose wisely.
So… if you were to wipe the slate clean and start over again in business or career – what would you do differently?
If you would like to discuss the above subject matter or other areas that would be helpful for you, your business, or your organisation, join our Genius Unlocked Course.
Something For You To Consider…
“A year from now, you may wish you had started today.” ~ Karen Lamb
Don’t leave it for another year!
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