Ideas for genuine social engagement for small businesses
The term Corporate Social Responsibility doesn’t sit well with me. In my opinion, it is one of the most paradoxical concepts for some of the most misleading ‘corporate missions’. Firstly, it implies that it is something exclusively for large companies and international corporations. Secondly, in many cases where it is being practiced, it is neither about society, nor about responsibility.
Don’t get me wrong – I love the idea of companies acting as responsible members of society and supporting it. But what it has become for the most part is another marketing and PR function.
Today implementing CSR strategies is modern. Large corporations are embracing it in the realisation that they have smaller chances for a bright future without it. The consumer expects it, employees like it and most importantly – everybody talks about it. It’s a powerful way to market yourself as a good corporate citizen. It also shows you’re a dream employer who truly cares about people. Many charities and corporations see CSR as a marketing tool. For them, the focus is often on gaining a return on investment. This approach shifts the purpose of CSR. Where is the genuine culture of giving being developed if this is the focus? What kind of human resource culture will the organisation nurture – a capitalist culture or a caring culture?
The problem is the rush for funding and corporate backing leaves small businesses overwhelmed. Many feel paralyzed, assuming their size limits their ability to make an impact. Small companies often consider social efforts to be reserved for companies with more financial resources, creating a sort of mental barrier.
Well, you might not have that money, but money isn’t everything. When it comes to money, you will determine the scale of your impact based on how you spend it. Just consider the fact that large businesses often ‘wash their hands’ by partnering with large, not less prominent than themselves, charities and they ‘support a cause’ by writing big cheques. Those NGOs however have their huge expenses. Among these are, for example, the salaries of their fundraising managers that oftentimes are above €80k per year. Where do you think this money comes from?
Small business owners often forget the importance and ultimately the power they have. Not separately but together. SMEs make up 99.7% of all enterprises in Ireland, according to the 2015 SBA Factsheet by the European Commission. They contribute 46.2% of the economy’s value added. Additionally, they provide over 70% of private sector jobs.
It just shows you what a central role small and medium-sized businesses play in our economy and consequently in our society. Don’t try to save the world or make changes with global impact. Even large companies don’t have that power (or at least not through superficial CSR strategies).
Instead of trying to change the world all at once, focus on helping a few people. Start with your direct environment and closest community. Imagine the scale of impact if everyone did the same! Again, not separately but all together.
As I’ve mentioned before, entrepreneurs and small business owners often ask me where they could start in terms of contributing to the greater good.
So these are a few ideas on easy-to-implement and less expensive social engagement efforts suitable for small and medium-sized companies.
Be a Role Model.

Success is built by people, not money. Let’s remember the value of human connection and empower today’s children to lead tomorrow’s innovations.
Businesses have been focused on money for a long time now. But businesses are, at the end of the day, orchestrated by people. Not by money. Success is absolutely important, and we are built for success. However, companies have widely neglected the human factor for a long time, and while some industries are gradually changing this, many companies still maintain the same approach. It is people who are behind every innovation, everything we have created that makes our lives better, and everything that surrounds us. It is good not to forget that. Our future depends on people and the people of our future are the children of today. I know that this is such a cliché but like every cliché, it couldn’t be more true.
It is funny how our minds only deem possible what they already know or have experienced, and everything beyond that seems impossible and unattainable. Imagine if you only knew a harsh reality in which all you are concerned with is how to survive. Wouldn’t it be great if somebody told you they also went through difficult times, dealt with their struggles, and are successful today?
Every one of us needs inspiration sometimes to pull all the courage we have and make a step forward. So why not go out there, source institutions such as orphanage homes, community centers, or even schools in bad areas, and share your story? Give these kids hope, give them direction, and mentor them if you wish. You can do that alone, involve your employees, or even partner with another company to create a larger initiative!
The little time you spend today (not money!) can make a huge difference for them, for you, for us tomorrow.
Get Your Hands Dirty.
Alternatively, you could improve on the material base and facilities of less-privileged social groups. And you don’t need to go as far as India to do that. There are plenty of neglected, poor communities right here in Ireland and the rest of Europe. Many schools, hospitals, and kindergartens in Eastern Europe are run-down and need renovation. Infrastructure improvements are also greatly needed in many areas. Unfortunately, the state often fails to address these issues.
Liaise with a non-profit organisation over there that could act as the middleman between you and such communities. There are many possibilities, you just need to look for them.
Now, such social engagement might require some funds, true. Yet because of the living standards difference, you can do a lot with little resources in poorer countries. To help generate funds for the materials you will need, you could engage with your customers, advertise the initiative, and get them to help you with small donations. In return, you could offer discounts on some products. Many times people are often happy to support such causes. Alternatively, you could partner with another company or even several companies and pour your resources together.
Such initiatives have the benefit that they also work as a great team-building activity for your staff. You likely spend money on team-building activities each year. But not everyone enjoys them. Some may even complain about the experience.
What if you invested that money allowing your employees to get to know another culture and help somebody at the same time? It is killing two birds with one stone. And I promise you, they will come back more energized, more motivated, and with a better team spirit than before.
Mentor Start-Ups and Social Entrepreneurs

Turning great ideas into reality with the right guidance and execution. Starting a business isn’t easy, but the right mentor can make all the difference.
Not all people are business people, but many people have great business ideas. Most people don’t know where to start, so their ideas never see the light of day. If they do, they often fail because they’re not executed properly. We see this today clearly as with the Internet it is much easier for people to make the first steps. There are more tools out there, there’s more knowledge and Google has become the equivalent of what main streets used to be in the cities. This doesn’t mean that it is easier though. Not at all.
It might be harder with too much information out there, too many options and too much ill-advised strategies easily found online.
Here’s an idea for you – jump in and help these people. Share your knowledge, give them direction, and mentor them. These might be the future players in our economy, they just need a little push as we all did in the beginning. Search for Start-Up organizations and communities and find ways to get involved directly.
Again, there’s no harm in involving more companies and initiating a program where young people gain specialized knowledge in different fields such as planning, accounting, marketing, sales, etc.
Engage your community.
Another possibility is to act as a link between those who need and those who have. That way you will engage with your customers better, your employees, and your whole immediate community. Say that you had a different initiative each quarter where you gave discounts on certain products if customers brought their used (but well-preserved) clothes, laptops, toys, books, or whatever else you may think of.
While these things might be stocked up in the attic, never being used by some people, they could be a real treasure for others. Collect these items and donate them to homeless centers, orphanages, or NGOs that would distribute these to communities in poorer countries.
People like to know they’ve been able to help and it is so easy to organise that with social media these days. Put it up on your Facebook page, put it up on your website, and make sure you update people on the progress and whom you and they together have helped at the end of each initiative.
Certainly, not all of the above would be suitable for all types of businesses. Maybe if you had a small accounting practice or if you were a solicitor, it would make more sense to get involved as a mentor. Whether to kids, helping them get on the right track in life, or to young people, helping them with their business ventures – it counts and you will impact people. If you were a retailer however or any other B2C business, then the last option is certainly more suitable for you.
Whatever it is, act and act in a way that is meaningful to you and aligned with your business and capabilities. Don’t sit back and wait for large companies to change the world. Together we can make an impact so huge that no large company can achieve on its own. Don’t you think?
Last but not least, these are only some ideas. If you would like to know what else could be done, contact me, and let’s have a chat about how we can align your strategy with your social effort. I work with several SMEs of various industries and I have helped many incorporate their bigger purpose into their corporate mission. And while there are many reports of how giving to a good cause is great for business and profits, the main thing is to do it with the intention of not expecting anything in return. That’s true giving. That’s making a real difference.
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