Before we discuss a strategy for your vision, have you ever noticed that it seems to take an age to get somewhere when you go on a long drive?
Yet when you’re returning home, it seems to take less time!
There’s no difference physically – in that you travel back the same way, and the traffic is just as heavy, but yet it’s like we get back home quicker.
We get from there to here quicker.
It happens every time.
So why am I asking you this question?
Well, when it comes to setting out the strategy to achieve your goals, or your objectives, or your business or personal vision – most people always start from where they’re at.
In other words, just like starting a journey to get to a destination where you start from your home, many people also start their journey to achieve their goals, objectives, and vision from where they’re currently – from their home.
But that’s the wrong place to start!
Dr Stephen Covey always said in terms of highly effective people – to start with the end in mind.
And yes, that’s correct. We have to have a vision of where we want to get to.
That’s the starting point.
But then, most people map out their strategy from the wrong place.
Like taking a journey, they start from home, with a vision of their destination in their mind, and then travel along each of the milestones to get there. They begin to map out all the steps that need to be taken in order to get to that vision.
But if you want to achieve your vision quicker, here’s a trick.
Strategy to Your Vision: Start to map backwards what is needed to be achieved!
Start with your vision, then map backwards the steps that would have needed to happen to achieve it.
So, start with your vision… what is it?
And get it clear in your mind.
Then ask yourself this question… what would have needed to have happened in order for that moment to be realized?
Then, whatever comes up, that becomes the penultimate milestone.
Then take that milestone and ask yourself the same question again: what would have needed to have happened in order for that moment to be realised?
And keep working back in that way.
You see, like travelling back home from a long journey, it’s ALWAYS faster when you start from there to get here!
Because when you do it this way, you’ll find fewer milestones that need to be achieved and you will find a much quicker route. You’ll end up taking bigger actions and moving faster.
But if you start from where you’re at, it will be a lot longer.
P.S. Send me an email and let me know how you got on by approaching your objectives in this way and what you discovered.
If you would like to discuss the above subject matter or other areas that would be helpful for you, your business, or your organisation, book a Business Mentorship session with us.
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