The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘passion’ as “an intense desire or enthusiasm for something”. Napoleon Hill describes it as “a burning desire”.
We all have passions – things that we enjoy doing so much that when we are engaged in them, time seems to stop. What is Your Passion in Business?
In the business world, this just may be your secret weapon. When things are tough and motivation is low, your passion is what will drive you forward to succeed.
Every successful entrepreneur has passion behind what they do. They believe in their service, their product, their mission. A piece of themselves goes into every part of their business.
Your passion is something that you truly want to achieve, something that you ‘lust’ after if you will. Something that you think about night and day and that stirs up the true essence of you. It’s the difference you want to make in this world and what you want to create.
It’s this motivation that will get you through the most challenging days. You have unlimited abilities and with your positive attitude and boundless passion, you have the power to create your dreams. Passion is a powerful emotion, as is love, joy, hatred, and anger. When it comes to your life’s work, what is it that you want to pursue? What is your purpose? Why do you want to do, what it is you dream of doing? Is it different to what you are doing right now? (ouch!)
In order to succeed in business, and in life for that matter, you must follow your bliss, love what you do and follow your passion. If things aren’t going well for you right now, maybe that’s an indicator for you to re-assess what it is you are doing and how can you realign it to your passion. If you follow your passion, you will be more motivated and have more energy as opposed to facing the dread each day.
So, start by identifying your passion. If you already know what it is, you can immediately begin building your vision of incorporating it into your existing business or future endeavor. However, for many of us, this thought process is entirely new and unfamiliar. Consequently, we may not have the slightest idea of what our passion might be or how to create a business around it. If that’s the case for you, it’s crucial to engage your intuition, the innate wisdom that naturally resides within you.
The first step is to take some time to be by yourself and get quiet. Begin to ask yourself these questions:
- What am I passionate about?
- What kind of business or endeavour do I want to create?
- Along with my passions, do I have a purpose that I would love to achieve in my lifetime?
Allow your thoughts to float through the possibilities and dreams that might be hidden in the far corners of your mind. Don’t censor them. Don’t try to label them or put them ‘in a box’, simply let them come.

Let your thoughts drift like clouds, free from boundaries and expectations. Explore the hidden corners of your mind and let the possibilities unfold.
And as you go beyond today into the future, imagine your life two, three, five, eight, or even 10 years from now. What do you see? Furthermore, visualise your business in the future. What does it look like, feel like, sound like, and even smell like? Additionally, consider its size. How many people work with you? What products or services do you offer?
As your questions float through your mind, a picture will begin to form and new thoughts will appear. Then you’re on your first step to defining what it is you want to create and why you want to create it.
It’s the ‘why’ that will give you your motivation to go after what it is you want to create. When you tap into your passion, all the hindrances along the way will seem like ‘small stuff’.
Take the leap of faith, and go for it. Dream big and just do it.
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