Do you think in terms of €100s, €1,000s, €10,000s? How about €100,000? or €1m?
As a kid, we first think about €1 and how many sweets and comics we might buy. As we get older we look at €100 and think about how many clothes we can buy and get our first car. We reach adulthood and then find ourselves trapped at a Euro amount typically around €1,000 or €10,000 as the monetary value of how we think.
To know where you are, consider each of these increments and when you get to a Euro amount that you think is a lot to have or seems a bit out of reach, go back one increment and that’s your threshold – that’s the maximum you’ll have.
We all have limits set within ourselves that we’re not even aware of. These can be income limits, how big our business can be, what kind of house we can live in, the car we drive, what we can do… The list goes on and on. But the only one imposing those limits on you is You, nobody else.
The challenge for business owners is to break through their threshold. The Euro amount you have set for your thinking stops you from going beyond that.
Even though you may want to have your company sales grow above a certain Euro amount, or you want to make a certain amount of money, you may have put a brick wall in front of you without even knowing it. And no matter how hard you try to increase sales, it’s not going to happen until you remove those self-imposed limits. When you think you’re about to reach your pre-set limit, you begin to self-sabotage.
Do you think Sir Anthony O’Reilly, Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs has a ceiling to the amount of money they can consider? Perhaps, but it’s very large, I guarantee that.
Start breaking down this virtual wall that stops you from earning more money and building bigger businesses. Two things you can do today.
Write down all the things in life that you want.

Dream big and write it down! Start visualising the life you want—whether it’s the car, the house, or the dream holiday.
Yes, material things. What car, house, holiday, jewellery? By starting to think bigger than you ever have, you will start to believe you could one day have it. As Napoleon Hill put it “What your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve”
Write down a list of everyone you spend most of your time with.
Where are these people on the economic ladder? I found myself some years ago at a point where I was the highest person on the ladder in terms of net worth and income. My net worth and income stopped growing once I reached that level. I then joined a group where I was the lowest on the ladder. My net worth and income have doubled every year since then. The people we spend time with will dictate our passion for increasing our wealth. Take the average earnings of the people you surround yourself with, which will be the ceiling of your income.
While I may be talking a lot about money here, it’s because that’s what people look at. Money is only a measure of things and should be viewed that way. It’s what you can do with the money for the betterment of others is what’s important. We all can and need to play bigger to make a bigger difference.
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