I was in a meeting with a client the other day. He owns a highly respected professional training company. Very well-spoken, amicable, confident person and an excellent professional by all indications.
While I asked questions about how he started, I discovered with surprise that about a year into it, he almost gave up and considered returning to his previous job.
He’d come across his first difficult client – always skeptical and unhappy with just about anything he did for them. They worked together for a few months during which time my client started questioning everything. His self-esteem suffered, and his confidence too.
As he was feeling down, contemplating letting all the work he put into starting his business go to waste, he got a message from another client he’d worked with about a month earlier. “You are God sent. Your help around here made all the difference”, the email read.

One encouraging message can make all the difference.
He told me, “This one line kept me going; it made me realize that what I do is valuable.”
He has been going strong for more than 17 years now. Excellent professional who is currently working to scale his business.
My point is –words matter.
A lot. They can be the difference between somebody pursuing their dreams or giving up.
What are the greatest words of encouragement you’ve received from someone?
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