Do you hate marketing? Unless you are a Marketing Specialist and passionate about it, chances are you don’t like it. Marketing requires a consistent system of effort to maintain a steady revenue...
Creative Marketing Strategies: Why Standing Out Matters
Last year, as I was sitting in my office finishing off my work, the front door intercom rang. It was a Friday afternoon, and I was already contemplating the weekend and how I was going to spoil...
How to Ask for Referrals Without Being Generic
If so, you may be making the mistake most business owners make when they do. “If you know somebody who is looking for X, it’d be great if you could mention my name to them” Sound familiar? The...
Do You Hate Being Sold To? How to Engage Clients Without Presentations
Do you hate being sold to? Somebody comes in to meet you; they take out their laptop and you just know they are about to sell to you. Secretly in your head, you go “No, not another presentation!”,...
Do You Feel Like You’re Always Chasing Clients? Find Your Niche Market to Break the Cycle
Do you feel like you’re always chasing clients because you can't find your niche market? Let me paint a picture for you. You find yourself in a quiet period of work. So you spend most of your time...
Passive Income Ideas: Advertising on Industrial Roofs Near Airports
Is "Airport Roof Ad Income" an Option for You? This year, I’ve taken over 30 flights to and from various airports, and one thought keeps crossing my mind: why aren’t industrial roofs used more...
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