There is a true story about a swimmer Florence Chadwick that I came across many, many years ago and I want to relay this actual story to you here. Now, this story is courtesy of Don Meyer, as he...
Handling Fear And Anxiety
Everyone encounters fearful moments in their life. And each one of us has different triggers that will initiate a fear response. Now there are seven different types of fear. What I want to go...
The Boat And The Pontoon: Navigating Life’s Choice Points
In my last blog, I discussed symptoms that arise when our unconscious mind tries to guide us back on track. These signs help us achieve equilibrium and align with our true purpose. I spoke about the...
The Purpose Call: Finding Meaning and Purpose in Life
In the last blog, I talked about finding your purpose. Some people feel that life has no purpose. They believe you just go through the motions—working, running a business, or focusing on a career....
Finding Your Life Purpose
Have you ever considered what your life purpose is? For some, they see their life purpose as to get up in the morning – run their business – pay the bills – enjoy what their doing, their hobbies,...
Who Is Looking After the Mental Health of Business Owners and Managers?
As the world prepares for a new normal, it’s fair to say that the mental health of everyone has had many challenges over the past three months. And while coping with change can be very difficult for...
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