Does this happen to you? You sit down with a client expecting to hear what they need, but instead, they start jumping from one issue to another, sharing specific events and challenges. Before you...

Does this happen to you? You sit down with a client expecting to hear what they need, but instead, they start jumping from one issue to another, sharing specific events and challenges. Before you...
I recently attended an event with an inspiring presenter who emphasized habits that make or break us. She explained how small changes in our lives can lead to significant impacts over time. For...
In my work, I see a lot of business owners and executives so overwhelmed that they put aside work for the weekend. I’ve been there and I completely understand the urge/pressure to do more. I think...
Wondering how to deal with employees who are acting out? Your first impulse might be to fire them immediately—but is that the best approach? Years ago I had a client whose business had hit rock...
Do you know what one of the most common challenges executives face today? How to deal with interruptions. Between calls, emails, instant messaging, Skype messaging, texts, WhatsApp messages, email...
When thinking about what's on your bucket list, I can share a few adventures I’ve already crossed off mine: Jumped out of an airplane (with aparachute!) Seen the Northern Lights Flown on a hot air...
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