If there's one thing that I find, and that's confidence is one of the main elements that hold people back. And there's a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding about confidence, yet it is such...
Lacking Motivation And Getting Bogged Down
Have you ever had the feeling that you're just not making progress? That you've lots to do, but you can't seem to find the motivation or the energy to do anything. That unless it's absolutely...
The Fog
There is a true story about a swimmer Florence Chadwick that I came across many, many years ago and I want to relay this actual story to you here. Now, this story is courtesy of Don Meyer, as he...
Who is looking after the mental health of business owners and managers?
As the world prepares for a new normal, it’s fair to say that the mental health of everyone has had many challenges over the past three months. And while coping with change can be very difficult for...
The Critical Line
In my last blog, I mentioned that there is a critical line that shows up in our life between the states of Belief and Knowing. It’s in the state of knowing that we need to learn how to straddle the...
How To Thrive In Life
When it comes to your business, your career or your sport, or any other interest that you might have, what does it mean to thrive in life? Well, it could mean to grow, to develop, or to flourish....
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