How To Thrive In Life

How To Thrive In Life

When it comes to your business, your career or your sport, or any other interest that you might have, what does it mean to thrive in life? Well, it could mean to grow, to develop, or to flourish. But what if to thrive in life was to mean for you to reach your truest,...

The Snakes And Ladders Life

The Snakes And Ladders Life

When I was a kid, I used to play a board game called Snakes And Ladders. You might remember it yourself. In America, it's called Chutes And Ladders, but over here it's called Snakes And Ladders. And the concept of the game was that it had 100 squares and each player...

Ethics In Practice – Article Published by ACCA

Ethics In Practice – Article Published by ACCA

Ethics In Practice - The Challenge for Accountants Drawing on personal experiences of how organisations develop their core values, Paul Davis examines how accountancy firms can embed ethical decision-making. Moral decisions are rarely black and white. Yes, we have...

Pricing By Value – Article Published by ACCA

Pricing By Value – Article Published by ACCA

Accountancy firms need to rethink how they handle billing if they want to maximise practice profits and maintain a good work/life balance, says Paul Davis. Pricing is a sensitive subject. In contract negotiation, it is the moment when hearts beat a little faster, the...

Dealing With Overwhelm

Dealing With Overwhelm

How do you deal with overwhelm? Many of us have been there…trying to balance work and life, to-do lists, deadlines, meetings, family, things that have to get done, responding to emails and phonecalls… The list goes on and on! When we feel overwhelmed, we don’t devote...

How do I make this a success?

How do I make this a success?

This is one of several questions I get from people. They expect to hear things like: Identify the value you bring Invest in an ongoing marketing effort Work on your sales pitch Etc. They’re quite surprised to hear nothing like that. You see, these are all important...

Can you be vulnerable?

Can you be vulnerable?

Vulnerability is becoming one of those buzzwords we’re starting to hear more often. I watched an interview with author Brené Brown and in it, she explains that her 6 years of research on human connection (a critical factor for happiness) showed one consistent...

Paul Davis is an acknowledged Executive Confidante & Business Trainer who uses a unique and powerful blend of mentoring, coaching, and consulting, to achieve rapid results in the areas of Business Development & High Results Performance for Business Executives Globally. Contact Paul today to find out how he can help you with your business.